How much money makes a billion dollars

how much money makes a billion dollars

The meaning of a billion is one thousand million 1,, This figure was principally declared as the billion in American English, and was then adopted as the monsy measurement for billion in British English in the s. Hey there! We’ve got some good news and some bad news for you. Let’s do the good news first, shall we? If you’ve stumbled across this page when trying to make sense of the numbers in your great-aunt Mildred’s inheritance, then prepare to start cackling maniacally and rubbing your hands together like a Disney villain: good times lie ahead.

2. Start Investing Early

Million, billion, trillion … all big numbers. A trillion is just a bigger number, right? True … but it may be bigger than you think. A million is hard enough to imagine, much less a billion. We need some perspective on what these unimaginable numbers really mean. A million is equal to a thousand thousands 1, x 1, A number is a number,. Pingback: How much is a Million Dollars? A Trillion? A Billion? Little Bitty Eagle. I know it would not pay off the 17 trillion dollar debt we owe but if all the riches of rich would contribute several billion or million toward the debt it would decrease tremendously and then each americian contributed The big question I have is why would America sit back and do nothing while Obama created this kind of debt? What is wrong with the American people. I would have thought they would have dragged Obama out and tarred and feathered him before he would be allowed to do this to our country.

So, what does a billion look like?

I personally would have loved to see someone with a little bit of backbone do something.

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We are used to hearing large numbers such as a billion mentioned frequently on the news often when the budget deficit is mentioned. However, it’s very difficult to picture what these huge numbers really mean. Working out how big these numbers are is made harder because, traditionally, the United States and the United Kingdom meant different amounts when each one talked about a billion. The old UK meaning of a billion was a million million, or one followed by twelve noughts 1,,,, The USA meaning of a billion is a thousand million, or one followed by nine noughts 1,,,

how much money makes a billion dollars

How many zeros in 1 billion?

If you want a raise, you need to ask for one. How Big Is An Acre? You might even show them off to your friends who will nod and smile. On top of that, good debt tends to carry a relatively low-interest rate in the single digits. It just becomes obscenely unfair for coffee farmers because coffee retails at premium prices.

Let’s Measure a Trillion in Numbers

Spend a few nights a week driving for Uber to bring in some extra cash. So inthe UK government decided to try on a leather jacket and talk like the Fonz, and it began using the US sense of «billion» for all official figures released. Should you care for the farmer who grows your favorite coffee? It can be a great way to get your foot on the property ladder before you have the money to buy a rental property. The infographic is just saying it is in other cases and fair trade can address such occasion. I hope this adds more consciousness among consumers. Once you make the first million, your money starts doing the hard work. Maybe a whole bath-full of stiff drink, in fact.

So, what does a billion look like?

Your morning caffeine fix is but a drop in the global bucket that makes coffee one of most traded commodities in the world along with petroleum. People drinking expensive coffee brands also seem to play their part in stimulating this market. But how far down the supply funnel does your coffee dollar go? We went through a lot of data mining for sales and logisitcs of coffe so you can follow how coffee is made from your favorite house specialty blend to the farmer in a developing country struggling to make both ends meet.

Should you care for the farmer who grows your favorite coffee? He is most interested in project management solutions, believing all businesses are a work in progress.

No stranger to small business hiccups and drama, having been involved in a few internet startups. Prior to his for-profit ventures, he has had managed corporate communications for a Kansas City-based Children International unit. Fairtrade Coffee Campaign 30 Sept — 13 Oct This shows how far down the supply funnel your coffee dollar [ I firmly believe that any certified products coffee included is basically used to pacify the end user, very few really care what the Farmer gets for his products, the inbalance in the profits shared from the grower to the price made for a cup of coffee is insanely unbalanced, totally controlled along the supply chain.

I do fined it quite amazing were the farmer is told what he can get for his product, and the cafe owner decides. I know for a fact many farmers are finded it very hard to make ends meet in this present market, the sad thing is that it is the coffee quality that will ultimately be at risk. There are few that do work with the farmer which I, highly commend, unfortunately in the large scale of things this represents a very small percentage. I for one have decided that the only way forward is to roast and export my coffee direct to the end user, wereas by workers will become shareholders in profits.

I believe that we all need to be responsible for the way we treat others and not rely on International money making organisations to do this for us, and who cannot in there best endeavours police very farm on this planet.

Certification has been totally missused and missunderstood and does not ensure quality and will never ensure peace of mined for the enduser, this starts from the heart and in my case my passion for coffee. Great info, surely true. Who you forget are the harvest helpers on the farm, the Farmer does not pick those cherries alone, and they are the ones that end up being paid nearly nothing After all, the farmer needs to make a living too What I see here in Central America where I live is that even fair trade farmers do not necessarily pay their pickers decent wages, there are just too many people looking for that kind of work who will do it for the offered price, often even children The Farmers don’t like having children work on the farms, it’s no legal, it’s not good for the kids, but there is little they can do if a hired man brings his sons to help and tells the farmer otherwise he cannot feed them Fair trade is a good start, but it does not help these people as much as they’d need Meretchi, l’m a West Africa-Liberian Coffee Extension Agent working with more than farmers, who mostly plant the original Liberian coffee known as coffea-liberica spieces.

This coffee is best for export among the Robusta and Aribica spieces, becuase it is highest in larger cherries quality yeilding, hardly perishable and immune to parasites attacks and resistant to coffee rust disease and ready to harvest every October each year. Which coffee spieces do you deal with? This infographic [ Have anyone tried drinking healthy coffee, Coffee is no going anywhere so why not drink healthy, wants makes Organo Gold coffee so helathy is one ingredient ganoderma.

Global awareness about the plight of the local farmer in the production chain of coffee production has increased significantly over the past decades. This info-graphic is a great way to explain that we have not come far. Organic Fairtrade coffee was not even on the menu 2 decades ago. As we work to educate the populations about what it is that they really how much money makes a billion dollars drinking we all can work to help make the world a better place.

Fully supportive of the movement to ensure the producers of our dear cup of joe get paid well enough to support their families and provide schooling, clean water and health care.

Everyone deserves that in the US as. However, your article, and moreover the infographic is a poor attempt at simplifying an extremely complex issue. First, if you wnt to look at where the money goes why not use actual dollars and cents scenarios.

You add these figures in when it emphasizes your point, but why leave out the costs associated with offloading the coffee in an American port. Dockworkers are unionized and earn alot more than the farmer who spent an entire year on the product. You should show the costs involved in actually importing the coffee; bank charges, insurance, freight costs. Some of the statistics you show are just blatantly misleading and I am not sure if it is out of your own misinterpretation of your research or if it is done intentionally.

The country as a whole has 7x the milling capacity as it does production. Finally it would be beneficial to the readers if you maintained a single supply chain scenario throughout the info graphic. You talk about Kenya coffees and then you show «coyotes». These two things do not exist in the same worlds. Kenyan producers all either belong to a Farmer Cooperative Society, or are an Estate owner.

There are enough Cooperative Societies with their own wet mills around the country that individual small holder members are able to deliver their coffee directly to the. Different scenario Farmers in Kenya have there own issues, but coyotes are not one of. At the end of the day I hope people come across your infographic and feel more inclined to ask their local coffee shop about their sourcing procedures so they can make an informed decision.

In a capitalist market place we vote with our dollars. Information is key to making educated decisions. That is why I just wish you did a better job of telling the whole story. Beautifully done infographic. If the coffee retailers like Starbucks and Coffee Bean depend on the coffee growers, why aren’t the coffee growers simply demanding whatever price they need to get in order to make a decent living?

That needs to be made clearer, i think. Surely it’s a long chain from the coffee house companies Starbucks et. The farmers are at the mercy of the traders and millers, usually the local businessmen. You have to understand that these farmers can be dirt poor that they do business on credit provided by, often, the trader and miller. In short, they’re tied to the price fixed by the businessmen the traders. Starbucks and other coffee house companies can only deal with these businessmen because they order processed green beans and by the bulk.

Of course, this is not always the case. The infographic is just saying it is in other cases and fair trade can address such occasion. I’ve been at an social involvement expedition at Guatemala and have seen the situation of farmers and growers. Thanks for the effort in spreading the message. It’s not that hard to but Fair Trade produce. There is an economic sustainability problem that the current supply chain cannot solve, which is why we started Thrive Farmers.

I would love to see this infographic clarify just a few things to help tell this story a bit more clearly Your approach to the root problem, however, is spot on and more people need to understand these dynamics. I think this is a common thread in the commodities market?

It just becomes obscenely unfair for coffee farmers because coffee retails at premium prices. Will Fair Trade really help everyone? FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website.

Read our article and find out how Fairtrade works and what you can do to help. In this article we embark on the complex yet fascinating journey through the world of coffee economics. Our coffee infographic will teach you how to do that and share some cool tips, tricks and trivia for good measure. Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest. Share 20 Tweet Share 20 shares. Coffee as a Billion Dollar Business says:. John Frater says:.

Meretchi says:. John D. Wologo says:. In reply to John D. Wologo’s comment, Sameer Zakri says:. Im interested in meeting you. How can we connect? Cynthia says:.

Fairtrade Coffee says:. Javajedi says:. A difficult task, I give you Rob Tobin says:. Alex says:. Agustin says:. Long live Fair Trade! I hope this adds more consciousness among consumers. Yazmin says:. Michael says:. Lex Summers says:. Leave this field .

1. Pick the Right Major

One billion can also be written as b or bn. The metric prefix giga indicates 1,, times the base unit. Its symbol is G. Previously blilion British English but not in American Englishthe word «billion» referred exclusively to a million millions 1,, However, this is no longer common, and the word has been used to mean one thousand million 1,, for several decades.


The term milliard can also be used to refer to 1,,; whereas «milliard» is rarely used in English, [5] variations on this name often appear in other languages. In the South Asian numbering systemit is known as crore or 1 arab. The facts below give a sense of how large 1,, 10 9 is in the context of time according to current scientific evidence:. A is a cube; B consists of cubes the size of cube BilllonC consists of cubes the size of cube B ; and D consists of cubes the size of cube C. Thus there are 1 million A how much money makes a billion dollars cubes in C ; and 1,, A -sized cubes in D.
