How do you make money web hosting

how do you make money web hosting

So, we finally decided to write this article to throw some light on potential revenues and profits that hosting resellers can really generate. First off, the amount of money that you make totally depends upon your marketing tactics, and effectiveness of your PPC campaigns if you decide to invest any money on Pay-Per-Click marketingconversion rates, and then the margin at which, you decide to operate. So, if you want quick money, then working as a hosting affiliate makes more sense, than reselling hosting mney. But, don’t koney disheartened so soon, because this is just the beginning; the magic of compounding makes all the difference. Making money as a hosting reseller becomes easier and easier as time passes by. A word of caution mobey is that things can be quite rusty and frustrating during the first six months. But, that pretty much applies to any business, and you get to reap the real benefits only after a year or two and, this was pretty much the case when we had started an SEO company. So, you can certainly make a living working mke a hosting reseller if you chalk out the plan correctly, and work your way through it smartly, and patiently.

Profitable niche

Web hosting is what businesses need to get their company websites up and running which is how their current customers and prospective customers need to access in order to communicate and gather information. They need to get their hosting from a reliable company and sometimes the best route is to go through a reseller web host that will offer benefits or a better deal than the big name hosts. Take a look at how you could make money from website hosting. The only way to have a company website is to have a reliable web host that will offer a server to set up a site. Companies have endless options for web hosting but they want to work with one that will offer great customer service, affordable prices, and assurance that their security will be protected and downtimes will be minimal. You can definitely profit from web hosting because people need hosting and they are willing to pay for it. Free hosting never turns out to work out for companies and they will move on to a paid host. You have to find a way to stand out from the crowd and be the host that companies want to work with first. Being a reseller web host is a great way to make money because all it takes is you paying for hosting at an affordable rate and then reselling it for a higher price. As long as you have a large amount of space through a large server and bandwidth, you can divide it up and sell it to people for a monthly fee.

Monetiztion ideas: 3 clever ways to monetize your blog

This is a great way to make money and potentially gain loyal clients that will want to buy your other products or services. Consider advertising with blogs and website owners for your services or market with the local newspaper. Consider these strategies if you decide to make money from website hosting. Your email address will not be published. Please enter the answer: Time limit is exhausted. Have you heard of people telling you to use alternate headers for your WordPress theme? It may make you reminisce about the times when people would use a different look on each page and how old school this is. Myspace is one spot you may be remembering for a time Have you tried to add icon fonts in your WordPress theme? Your new icon fonts will allow you to add vector icons You can now remove or fix the broken links with this helpful guide on where to begin. How can you make it a great user experience until your WordPress site

What Is Reseller Hosting?

Disclosure: When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn a referral fee from our partners. For more, see our HostingAdvice. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where hosts appear on the page including, for example, the order in which they appear. Our site is committed to publishing independent, accurate content guided by strict editorial guidelines. How to successfully resell web hosting can be explained by drawing on the tried-and-true analogy of how web hosting is like real estate shared hosting is an apartment, a dedicated server is a single-family home, and so on. In that light, a reseller business would be akin to renting out rooms of your home, or perhaps running a bed and breakfast. The best reseller web hosting opportunities enable you to start a new business without a prohibitive investment or decades of experience.

Requirements for Running a Reseller Hosting Business

In this the installment of my series on how I have made money online I take a look at running my most successful web business, BetterEdit. If you missed the other parts of this series you can read them by following these links:. That title sounds a bit vague but BetterEdit. BetterEdit provides editing and proofreading services to students and business, although presently we are moving towards focusing on only the student niche. BetterEdit is a perfect case study in creating and operating a profitable web based business. A service based business often starts with the owner providing the service. Consequently very shortly after starting the business I had a contract editor working for me. This format actually works great because the editor only needs to focus on what he or she does best, editing, and I can focus on client attraction and business management, certainly areas I prefer to work in. The formula is really quite simple — find a need and satisfy it at a profit. Sure there are a lot of variables to control but when it comes down to it I found a need, hired the best people to satisfy that need and tested which marketing methods work best to find the target audience with that need.

Step 1: Choose a Reseller Web Hosting Partner

What exactly are you trying to build? Many experts started making a name for themselves with an ebook. The objective is to convert as many strangers who visit your site for the first time into passionate followers who want to stay up-to-date on your latest work or content. For example, many companies go out of their way to look for blogs that will feature their sponsored content. Tell Us Thanks. However, you likely want to quickly launch a professional website; that theme may come with a price tag. Want to ask a question or leave a comment? The margins are slightly lower than affiliate marketing because of the costs associated with customer service, payment processing, etc. WHMCS can instantly process the payment, provision a cPanel account, and send the client an email with their new account information — all while you sleep. Email is a powerful marketing tool. Article written by: Jerry Low.

Start Making Money Online with Free Web Hosting Service

Disclosure: When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn a referral fee from our partners. For more, see our HostingAdvice. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where hosts appear on the page including, for example, the order in which bow appear.

Our site is committed to publishing independent, accurate content guided by strict editorial guidelines. How to successfully resell web hosting can be explained by drawing on the tried-and-true analogy of how web hosting is like real estate histing hosting is an apartment, a dedicated server is a single-family home, and so on.

In that light, a reseller business would be akin to renting out rooms of your home, or perhaps running a bed and breakfast. The best reseller web hosting opportunities enable you to start a new business without a prohibitive investment or decades of experience.

Take a look at our guide below to help you get started. Linux or Windows? Do you want to spring for faster solid-state drives or stick with traditional hard disk drives? Do you need the added space and scalable resources of a virtual private server or prefer the hands-free support of shared hosting? How many customers do you weh expect to bring on board at the beginning?

What type of hoosting needs do they histing Have those figures in kake as you compare histing and ratings of reseller hosting providers to find the plan that fits your criteria and budget. Each monwy has a wide range of plans to help you get off the ground. What about automatic backups or free SSL certificates?

Will they need add-on domain names? Short for Eeb Host Manager, WHM allows you to create cPanel accounts for your clients, monitor and protect your server, and easily transfer hostint backup customer data. WHM should direct you to exactly where you need to go, otherwise, you can click on Basic Web Host Manager Setup in yo menu to the left. You can accomplish this by clicking on Packages in the WHM menu and following the prompts. By the nature of the word, reselling means that money will eo to change hands.

Even a simple business nake likely includes some description of your target audience and a basic forecast of sales and expenses. Attaching numbers to your reseller hosting goals helps you predict income and, eventually profits. You have complete control over what you will charge your customers, and learning how to price your products appropriately can be extraordinarily difficult. Most reseller hosting plans that include cPanel and WHM also include WHMCSwhich is an extraordinarily popular one-stop solution for client management, invoicing, and support tools all integrated into a centralized platform.

Short of perhaps the Not only is it the right thing to do, but helpful customer support can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. The platform automates tons of tedious steps that would normally fall on your plate. WHMCS can instantly process the payment, provision hositng cPanel account, and send the client an email with their new account information — all while you sleep.

Even better, WHMCS support tools include a full-featured platform for email tickets and the ability to create a self-help knowledge base. You may still want to check out other customer support tools for small businesses that offer integration with live chat, phone messages, or screen sharing, but WHMCS brings tremendous value to smaller organizations just getting off the ground.

Managing the costs of a new business is critical, especially at the beginning. From there, however, things can get interesting. Introductory reseller plans are typically set doo on a shared server environment, but you can often resell hosting resources on more expensive VPS or dedicated server plans. You can even resell reseller hosting packages as a master reseller. Additionally, some hosts will use an alternative reseller hosting strategy where you can purchase individual shared hosting accounts for resale Hostwindsbuy credits that can be redeemed for various services SiteGroundor take a percentage d from a portfolio of options GoDaddy.

Hostingg, you likely want to quickly launch a professional website; that theme may come with a price tag. And what about those tools we talked about earlier? Otherwise, those licenses can get expensive quickly. The industry has an incredibly low cost of entry, especially compared to starting from scratch as a hosting provider.

Even with how do you make money web hosting small pool of clients, the right reseller plan and correct pricing can quickly translate into regular, recurring revenue. Minimized costs, well-researched hosting plans, and attention to clients can make reseller hosting quite profitable. According to experts, the customers you already have are your best bet for increasing sales. Do weeb it takes to help them grow their online presence to a point where they need to upgrade to a more expensive plan, spring for extra add-ons, or want to start an entirely new website.

Be sure to leverage social media into an effective way to communicate with existing customers and reach new ones. You amke, however, appeal to the search engines and gain higher placement in search results by optimizing the keywords, page load speed, and other metrics as part of SEO. Sure, reselling web hosting has the obvious perk of adding a recurring revenue source to your bank account without the overwhelming complexities and expenses of hooking up a server, running a network, and starting your own hosting company from scratch.

Some of the basic perks include:. Do your clients just want a beautiful, functional website without caring about the technical nuts and bolts? Act as their representative or intermediary agent and pocket the fees. To be fair, reseller hosting may not be the best venture for those entering the web hosting industry for the first time.

Look for the services you can legitimately offer your clients that make your business a better option than what they currently. Ask a question and Laura will respond to you. We strive to provide the best advice on the net and we are here to help you in any way we. Laura Bernheim has spent eeb than 12 years crafting engaging and award-winning articles that share the passion behind organizations’ products, people, and innovations.

As a freelance contributor to HostingAdvice, she combines a reputation for producing quality content with rich technical expertise to show experienced developers how to capitalize mmake emerging technologies and find better ways to work with established platforms. In addition to conducting interviews with industry leaders, Laura drives internal writing and design teams to deliver stellar, hoshing content that clearly explains even the most difficult concepts.

By: Laura Bernheim Posted: May 31, See Reviews. Step 2: Build Your Hosting Services. Easy path to entry Additional revenue stream Expansion into new markets. Building existing client trust Relatively low time commitment Control over your profit margins. Questions or Comments? Ask Laura! Was this helpful?

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How To Start A Web Hosting Business In 2018

There are dozens of different online businesses you can start from the comfort of your own home. With the right niche and dedication, you can turn reseller hosting services into a very profitable business. Below we look at what reseller hosting is, what it takes to run a reseller business, as well as a step by step plan to get your reseller hosting business off the ground. Web hosting is a very competitive market.

Why do companies need website hosting?

Namely, your motivations for starting a hosting business, your technical skills, and business and marketing know-how. Keep in mind that starting a hosting business is going to take a lot of work, so your motivations are going to need to be clear from the start. Next, are your existing technical skills. The reseller host you decide to work with might actually handle things like customer support, maintenance, and. Instead, your goal should be to create a more niche hosting company. Think the small to medium-sized business space. Hosting companies in this space can still have hundreds of servers and thousands of customers, but you might actually be able to compete with. This will help you stand out in a crowded field and give yourself a fighting chance of success to earn money. Your niche focus, or unique offering, along with extensive marketing will help build brand recognition and position yourself as the go-to host for a specific niche.
