Make money online in nigeria lucrative business

make money online in nigeria lucrative business

The fastest and easiest way to make money online in Nigeria working from your home. Members are making money online right now as you read this article. Within few minutes from now, you will make your very first money online in Nigeria. This is a lucrative online business in Nigeria that pays, therefore your worries on how to make money online in Nigeria has ended. Thousands of Nigerian are earning real and legitimate money online just by browsing websites and performing simple task using this program. But wait, let me ask you fes questions How much do you earn by browsing the internet? How much money do you make online with social media websites? If you don’t make money, then you are wasting your time. Do you know you can make money online in Nigeria having luxrative on social media such businrss facebooktwittergoogle pluslinkedin, instgram e,t,c.

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To tell you the truth, there are amazing opportunities to make money on the internet in Nigeria without scamming anyone or robbing Peter to pay Paul. I will also share some 75 amazing and profitable products you can sell online in Nigeria right now. Those products are some of the very fast-moving products anyone can sell online. As it is with any other human endeavour, a great measure of hard work, focus, persistence and knowledge are needed if you will thrive in any of the online businesses I will be listing here. If you are not looking at the online space, here are some 53 businesses you can start in Nigeria in with little capital. For one thing, Nigeria is a very competitive terrain. According to a recent report , there are over million people living in Nigeria of which the majority of the population are youths aged This huge youth population coupled with an unprecedented unemployment rate in Nigeria has left many young Nigerians to look elsewhere to earn ends means — the internet. Not all internet businesses are legal or legitimate and unfortunately, a lot of youths have fallen prey. In this post, I will be sharing some of the most legit and profitable online businesses you can start here in If you have some free time on your hands, instead of staring at Instagram feeds all day, why not start filling online surveys and start earning some cool bucks. Online surveys are usually created as Web forms where a database can be stored and statistical software can provide analytics. People are usually incentivised to complete online surveys by winning prices upon the completion of the task. There are many scam websites out there.

How to make money online in Nigeria as a student?

Ensure you work with the best survey platforms for Nigeria.

1. Blogging

You may not be aware that there are a lot of very profitable business opportunities online that can change your name. So many people have become millionaires through online business engagements. As the world has turned into a global village, where you are does not matter so much now; you just need to explore the internet and get started on your journey to fortune. A blog is short for Weblog. It is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. Blogging is ranking no. To create a blog is not at all difficult. You can get the steps for creating a blog here. It now depends on who you are and what you do to determine how much profit you will make from blogging. The mobile apps market is offering developers more options than ever to maximize their profits easily.

2. Mobile Monetization

People like Linda Ikeji and Akin Alabi Founder of Nairabet have made billions of naira just by starting an online business idea. Starting a new business online requires much less risk than investing your money into a setting-up a physical shop or store. With the nature of online businesses, it is very easy to reach thousands and millions of potential customers without breaking the bank on the cost of advertisements. With a little knowledge of digital marketing and social media , almost anyone can launch a business online and get it up and running in only days. In this post, we have put together a list of the most lucrative online business ideas anyone can start in Nigeria with a very little capital investment. Having a blog that has an extensive number of followers will allow you to gain profit by attracting advertisers that are willing to pay you some money just to place adverts on certain pages of your blog.

To go to work, school, even to sleep, people need cloth. This will stand you out as people interested in these food will look for you. Snail farming is an untapped business in Nigeria. There is huge profit and growth awaiting for anyone who ventures into Agriculture business. You can read more here: how to make money as a freelancer online. There are many companies around the world who imports palm oil from Nigeria. The market is huge and very much in demand. These are some of the opportunities in oil and gas business. Read more here: How to start cassava farming business in Nigeria. For all these events, there are uniforms. As population continue to increase, real estate business will continue to boom.

If you doubt that then read this, a guy called Chris Clark registered the domain name pizza. To become a social media marketer, read our guide: How to become a social media marketer. However, there are some alternative ways on how to make money online without investment. Read: How to start your own web hosting business. Employ skilled carpenters. It never get old and never fade. In no time if you know what you are doing, you will be generating your own income. Creating a blog is easy and lucraitve should not take you more than 20 minutes to create one. Foreign buainess intercontinental food are becoming very popular in Nigeria. Without a businesz, blogging is top of the best online businesses to start in Nigeria.

In this article, we will take a look at the most the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria that anyone can start with small capital or big capital. These lucrative business ideas are very profitable. They have the capacity to make anyone successful if well handled. A lot of them are not well explored in Nigeria. With high rate of unemployment in Nigeria, a lot of people are left without jobs. Living without a means of income is suicidal.

But if you are smart, you can start your own business. In migeria time if you know what you are doing, you will be generating your own income. And even employing. You do not need to be very rich to start a business. The business ideas busijess list on this page, can be ventured into with small capital or big capital. It all depends on your capacity. There are so many good sides to starting a business in Nigeria. First, you put your destiny in your own hands.

Another reason is the opportunity to grow and build a brand for. When you run your own business, you are building a brand. The more you grow, the bigger your brand. Take a look at Dangote, even after he is gone, his brand will remain. Running your own business gives you a bigger opportunity to become rich.

There is too much competition at the work place. You find a lot of who have worked for many years without promotion but no one can deny you that in your own business. You luvrative the opportunity to impact the economy by creating jobs and providing livelihood for other Nigerians. The joy of employing people and giving them a means to survive should be a big motivation for everyone with a good heart to venture into business.

There are a lot of lucrative businesses in Nigeria for Nigerians to. But for some reason, Nigerians leave the country pursuing greener pastures without trying to tap into ideas back home. As a result, foreigners are seeing the opportunities that we fail to see and they are taking over! The simple truth is that Nigeria and to a large extend, the lhcrative, still depends on oil and gas. As long as this trend continues, this business will continue to dominate. Oil an gas is budiness king among the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria.

Look at this way, we depend on gas or kerosene to cook. We depend on fuel to move around whether we are using cars, okada or Keke-napep. And because of poor electricity supply we depend on fuel for electricity. All the big and small companies in Nigeria depend on fuel or diesel to operate. There is too much dependent on oil and gas.

And Nigeria is blessed with abundance of it. Anyone who taps into this business will be making huge income. This is one of the most lucrative part of oil and gas business. But you will need a high budget to get into it.

Oil and gas distributors brings in refined petroleum product into the country for distribution to different sectors. With few millions of Naira, you can start a petrol station. There are so many cars in Nigeria that you will never run out of customers. Also, a lot of people depend on petrol station to power their generators. A lot of people are so focused on Petrol that they over look onlline gas.

Not long ago, I was speaking with a friend who manages a mid-size petroleum company. They are into business petroleum products. He told me they make more money from cooking gas than any other business. You can supply cooking gas to retailers or you become a retailer and refill gas for end users. Spice it up. This business is very lucrative and it does not cost much to start. Lucrtaive can start small and grow!

A lot of Nigerians still depend on kerosene for various reasons. Even those with cooking gas use kerosene powered stove as back up. This business is very lucrative.

More lucrative because not so many people are into it any oonline. You can purchase tankers and get into the business of lifting petroleum products. It could be ships. Petroleum products is like any other commodity, they need to be lifted. There is also fleet management opportunities. These are some of the busineess in oil and gas business. There are more if you do your research. But one thing is certain, Oil and gas remains one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. Apart from being one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria, agriculture business is an evergreen business.

It never get old and never fade. As long as human exist, agriculture business will continue to strive. This makes it a very important and strategic business. One thing that makes this business so attractive is that there are lots of loans or financing options available for agriculture entrepreneurs in Nigeria.

Many business lenders give lots of preference to the agriculture sector. And as the government is continually looking to diversify from oil, their major focus is on agriculture. More incentives will be triggered for this sector. There is huge profit and growth awaiting for anyone who ventures into Agriculture business. This one involves the rearing of Snakes for commercial purposes. Because of the risky nature and low competition, this business is very lucrative!

You can read more here: How to start snake farming business. Beef meat is very popular in Nigeria. Cow milk is almost as treasured as oil in Nigeria. These factors lurcative cattle farming one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. Read more here: How to start cattle farming business in Nigeria.

Palm oil is gold. Most of the things yo use from cream to soup and many more are made from palm oil. There are many companies around the world who imports palm oil from Nigeria. Read more here: How to start palm oil business in Nigeria. Majority of Nigerians depend on Garri, fufu and other products made from cassava. This business is very lucrative because the products are very much in demand. Read more here: How to start cassava farming business in Nigeria.

Chicken meat, Turkey meat and others are very popular among Nigerians especially during festive seasons. Poultry farming is a very profitable business anyone can start with small capital. Read more here: How to start poultry farming business in Nigeria. Snail farming is an untapped business in Nigeria.

There is so much possibilities and potentials in this business. You can read more here: How to start lucratvie farming business. There are many other agriculture business ideas apart from the above listed. Do your research and go for the one that suits you, your location and budget.

There is no way food business will not be among the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. This is an evergreen business. People will always eat! No matter how hard or tough the economy is, one thing people can never do without is food. This is a business that if you run well, can make you rich. It is also very easy to win loyal customers. As long as your food is delicious, people will always come .


Nowadays, when it comes to making money through online business in Nigeria, most people make it look so complicated. There are many steps, business models, strategies, and tactics required to succeed online. Today we will discuss some lucrative online business that can change your life. Therefore, the eight lucrative online legit business in Nigeria are as follows:. E-commerce refers onljne the selling of both physical and digital products online.

2. Sell Designs & Creatives Online

It is one of the most lucrative business in Nigeria in That is the e-commerce business model. It is among the most lucrative online business models. Nevertheless, it is a business that calls for the most amount of expertise and capital. Now you are dealing with customer service, building a team, and fulfilling the product. You are dealing with the product image, the photo and. It requires driving traffic through the search luccrative or paid networks. So, it means that you need to sell a lot of volumes to make any significant amount of money.
