How to make money through the internet in nigeria

how to make money through the internet in nigeria

Opportunities come but do not linger, here are the latest online money making opportunities you should grab inso strike while the iron is hot! There is no way around. This is not a marketing tactic but due to our platform, we have limited seats available for this Training. There will be an opportunity to upgrade to our PAID course to learn hands-on how to practically implement what you will learn in this free training and earn a Globally Recognised Certification that allows you to work and make money from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and internet connection. We have taken time out to prepare even more mouth-watering online money making opportunities for our students that attend our digital marketing course. Click here to register and have access to more opportunities.

Usually, most people say that making money online in Nigeria without paying money to start is incredible. But they say so only because they simply do not know these cool ways of making money online. You may be embarrassed that to make money online you just need to watch videos, browse websites, play games, surf the Internet, and view ads but not for free anymore! Many people prefer to earn money online because of different reasons. Some of them do not like offices, while the others do not want to spend lots of time getting to work. Also, these can be women who are on maternity leave, and they need to be at home 24 hours to look after their children. And the simple answer to them is freelancing which usually takes up most of their time. However, there are still some ways that do not need any efforts, as well as much free time. Just see them listed below. It works very simply. And your task will be to give feedback and gain money for it. Moreover, the same is with online games. Just play your favourite online games and earn money for it.

These seemed to be the easiest ways to make money online in Nigeria!

How to make money online in Nigeria as a student?

No matter where you live, as long as you have an internet connection, you can always make money online. Okadabooks is an online website in Nigeria that makes it fast, easy and free to publish books online. This is not limited to books alone but also short stories, reviews or anything worth reading. The best part is that Okadabooks allows users to monetize each book published which means you get paid when any of your publications are downloaded or read. Do you have some basic design experience? Printivo Online Store is a marketplace that allows anyone to upload and sell designs to customers. Do you know of any property available for rent or building for sale in your area where you live? All you have to do is to register as an agent and you are good to go. Yes, good old blogging is still chugging along in By providing valuable content on a regular basis you attract like-minded prospects who are interested in information and products related to your niche.

Making Money on the Internet in Nigeria

Newsletter Signup. Emmanuel May 24, Reply. Any cumbersome theme will just ward off potential visitors and turn your log into a white elephant project. This, in turn, depends on hos quality of your blog. So educative and informative, I think I will try five to six options listed above and probably through your link. All you have to do is join Quidax. That is the power of Youtube. Also invite your friends with your link to join. Online course is all about teaching people skills or strategy online for income. Naija news. In this article,

How to make money online in Nigeria without any efforts?

Nigeria is considered a land of opportunities. Whether these opportunities are equally available to all her citizens is another question. One thing for sure is that the government and the private sector throubh Nigeria offer job opportunities that are not nearly enough for the numerous graduates being released into the job market every year. Finding a job is already difficult enough but finding a thf job is entirely daunting.

Luckily, the internet technology has opened up new great opportunities for Nigerian graduates who have been perusing the local dailies for job advertisements. One of the best ways to make decent cash online and legally in Nigeria is through what is known as blogging. This online money-making platform has enabled many previously jobless Nigerians to find a source of dependable income.

Jnternet would be wishful thinking to believe that everyone interested in reading this post knows for certain what blogging means and what it involves. Besides, you need to know the definition of a blog and a blogger. This is why I have decided to first define blogging before discussing how to make money through blogging in Nigeria. A blog is an abbreviation for the word weblog and it is used to describe mondy different types of websites and portals which share information on certain specific tops or wider categories.

It usually includes content, comments, videos, widgets and links to other websites, and much more depending on what particular kind of blog it is. A blogger, on the other hand, is the person who administers or runs the weblog. Blogging itself is defined as the act of running a weblog. It includes the amke of the skills one needs in order to run or manage a blog. Such skills may include Search Engine Optimization SEOcontent writing, social media marketing, designing and maintaining the design of blog site and editing and publishing your posts.

Other skills may be required depending on the particular topic or niche your blog is dealing in. You cannot just wake up and start a blog for making money. It requires high skill levels as well as dedication in order to see anything good come out of the blog. In a nutshell, you need to invest a lot throuvh terms of money and time to make money online. Here are some tips on how you can achieve your best when it comes to blogging for cash.

This is perhaps the most important thing for anyone who wants to start a blog because it is directly correlated with the amount of traffic you will receive. You need to pick a popular niche that offers some sort of answers or solutions to the queries of Nigerians.

Besides, it should be something that taps from your knowledge and experience so that you do not struggle to write contents and posts. There are sensitive, relevant and unique niches that are currently trending.

Those are the ones you need to consider. Choosing the right theme for the blog you are creating is also important in attracting traffic to your site which will definitely translate into cash. You should be able to describe what your blog is makw about in just a single sentence. Any cumbersome theme will just ward off potential visitors and turn your log into a white elephant project.

Your theme must rhe extremely focused. Search engine optimization is the key to attracting traffic to your blog. Google, as well as other popular search engines nowadays, has stringent algorithms and terms and conditions concerning the choice of keywords as well as the content in. Google will lower the rank of websites or blogs considered to be keyword stuffed and lacks in substance.

You have to ensure that the keywords are highly relevant to your theme because these are the words people use inrernet search for particular information on the web.

Remember to include both short tails as well as long tail keywords while writing your content. When People surf the Internet, they look for relevant information that can offer answers to their questions as well as a solution to their problems. The articles you write should be flowing, high quality, relevant, grammatically correct, unique and compliant with and optimized for the search engine algorithms. The articles must be completely free from plagiarism.

If you cannot create the right content, then you may have to outsource this to someone with good command of English. This may cost you some Naira but it is a worthy investment for any blogger who is serious about making money online. Social media is currently rocking and you can take advantage of their availability to increase your chances of earning from your blog. This is because social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and LinkedIn attract a lot of traffic and can actually help your blog get the number of loyal visitors.

This would translate into money. There are several ways to monetize your website but AdSense remains one of the most favorite platforms used by Nigerian bloggers. These programs will allow you to simply thf and paste adverts to your blog. You will earn some commission for every click on the ad. The amount of money you will earn at the end depends on the amount of traffic you will attract.

This, in turn, depends on the quality of your blog. You also need to ensure you use ads that people love to check. There you have it. I hope the discussion above has given you an insight on how you can make money through blogging in Nigeria.

It may sound easy to do but it will require patience and a lot of investment to start earning decent cash. It is not a get rich quick kind of investment so therefore do not be frustrated if you do not seem to see results early. Is Wentworth Miller Gay or Married? About us Contact us Privacy Policy Buzz.

How To Make Money Online In Nigeria For Students

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Only the lazy will not find such Firstly, you need passion to stay long interneh forex market. Feng ChojiBusiness — Internet 3 Comments. The internet has been with us in Nigeria for quite some time. However, its present level of popularity has been fairly recent. Then, most business transactions were manual, hence low need for internet services. Substantial start-up capital was needed to yo a cybercafe business. This however is no more the case.
