Ways to make money as a phone sex operator

ways to make money as a phone sex operator

How to Become a Phone Sex Operator. So, you want to be a phone sex operator PSO? Phone Sex Operators are a growing proportion of the industry as individuals are looking for ways to make money outside of a traditional nine-to-five career or job. Phone Sex Operators unlike so many other professionals in the adult industry can work monwy the comfort of their homes, set their own hours and most importantly, keep their identities totally private, safe and secure. Even some of the most experienced operators have not learned how to make serious money by becoming a professional Phone Sex Operator. There are tricks to making big money as a professional Phone Sex Operator. When I first decided to ways to make money as a phone sex operator a Phone Sex Operator, I tried many different sites before I discovered the one that works for me. There was a lot of hard work involved with no real financial payoffs and left very little time to study and socialize. We had to stay logged in to chat rooms to find customers, and stay signed in to messenger apps like AIM and Yahoo! It was very time-consuming, and I would receive only 1 to 3 calls ooerator day, if I was lucky enough to receive any calls at all. However, I had received no official training for phone sex nor how to become a successful Phone Sex Operator.

Try HotChat. You must be over Why am I seeing this? Your web browser denied our attempt to auto play this greeting for you. Enter the code exactly as it appears on the advertisement. If you are redeeming a Talk Card scratch off to reveal the code on the back of your card. Enter the amount of credit below that you want to offer to use to call you. This credit will expire in days. You will not receive earnings for the credit used by the Caller. Browse by:. Make Money Being a Talker on Talktome. Create your listing in minutes! Post 1 — 3 unique profiles! Describe yourself and your interests! Immediate income using our existing Talk Lines You call the shots! Post your own schedule! Connect when you want, for as long as you want! Record and Sell audio sound bites for extra income!

Tutorial: Make Money From Phone Sex

Ok, so maybe talking dirty to strangers over the phone is not for everyone, and certainly not the kind of job your parents are going to brag about to their friends especially if they expected you to be a lawyer. But you make your own hours, work from home, get paid by the minute and get loads of hilarious and disturbing inspiration for that book. I did some research and talked to a professional phone actress and now present everything you need to know about becoming a Phone Sex Operator PSO. How much money do dirty, sexy money do PSOs make? It depends. Building your client base requires a vigorous investment in advertising and promotion, including a website and blog, instant messaging, email, social media, and ads in target audience publications like porn mags and the Village Voice Backpage, or a sweet late night infomercial like this one. There are also free advertising opportunities available via social media like Chat Roulette, Youtube, Craigslist, maybe even OkCupid locals broadcast? Get creative. You may also need someone to manage the switchboard, verify payments, and handle the books. With this model you keep percent of profits less expenses phone line, website, employees, hell, even your apartment could probably be claimed on your taxes for home business purposes. It all depends on your availability, your advertising and really, just luck.

ways to make money as a phone sex operator

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Some people enjoy the work while others look at it as a way to make some money while they search for other jobs. Unfortunately, this industry is littered with scams preying on people who want to make money fast through this type of work. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding phone acting work and what you might be doing. This type of industry is most heavily saturated with college students and moms who need to make money. Join Pinecone Research Now. One of the ways these companies get people to work for them is by promising them all kinds of work, so much that you can easily make a higher hourly wage than you could at a typical job. The problem most people find, though, is that they may wait around for hours just to get one gig and remaining unpaid for the time they wait. But, for those really strapped for cash, this can be a legitimate way to earn some extra money from the privacy of your own home. This article from Business Insider has an interview with a woman who does this work in addition to her day job. Be careful when people on the other line ask you questions, even what your favorite color or movie is. The more real information you tell about yourself, the easier it will be for someone to figure out who you are. Some companies are legitimate, whereas others prey on people who need work fast and will do just about anything to get it. Join Opinion Outpost Now. Work from home jobs, especially, can often turn into scams because you get all your information through emails and websites instead of in person.

All you need is a PayPal account. As earlier stated, do not use mainstream payment mediums like banks or PayPal. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. AR Araik Russell Nov 20,

Looking for Phone Sex Work from Home Jobs? Read This First

KS Karen Sterling Nov 16, They can be found at www. They don’t require a landline and hire people from the UK. Start smaller and work for a site first so that you can learn on someone else’s money and client list. Do you plan to file an Equifax breach claim? The photo must be crystal clear; these companies take age verification very seriously.

Tips to Avoid Scams

Working as a phone sex operator, or phone actress can be the mohey profession for those who enjoy making their own hours, working from home, and working creatively in the field of erotica.

To become a phone sex operator, you must learn about the many different sexual interests, or fetishes you may be required to talk about with clients over the phone, then apply or audition for the phone sex company you want to work.

To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 7 references. Categories: Working from Home. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit.

Learn why people trust wikiHow. It also received 16 testimonials from readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Phone sex operators often speak to a variety of clients who have specific sexual interests, which will require you to be familiar with a wide range of topics; including bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism BDSM. Monry the phone sex industry, taboos are defined as topics that you may be sed or mentally unable to discuss with clients for personal reasons.

Most phone sex companies prefer to hire phone sex operators who lack taboos; some companies, however, are understanding ass will allow you to have one or more taboos.

Make sure you have a room or space in your home that will allow you to conduct phone sex calls uninterrupted. For the sake of clients and professionalism, most phone momey companies will require that you work in a quiet space free of any background noise. Search for open phone sex operator positions. Since most phone sex operator positions are remote and can be done a home, most phone sex positions will be posted online.

Verify the requirements needed to work as a phone sex operator. For example, some phone aw companies will require that you have a landline so your connection is fully clear when speaking with clients, while others request that you also have an Internet connection so you can search for and chat with clients online. Verify that the phone sex company will allow you to use aliases to protect your privacy.

Most professional phone sex companies will not expect you to use your real name when speaking with clients for privacy and safety reasons, and may request that you develop one or more aliases.

For example, if you will be required to talk to some clients using a foreign accent, choose foreign names that go with those particular accents. Complete aas series of online job applications and leave voicemail recordings, if applicable. Practice reading a script that contains erotic content using your phone sex voice prior to leaving a voicemail recording for the phone sex company. Practicing while speaking in a sexy voice will help you feel more comfortable and confident at the time you call operaotr apply.

Wait to hear back from phone sex companies and follow up as needed. After operaotr have been hired, you may be able to start speaking with phone sex clients immediately. It’s not a good idea to start your own company straight out the gate. Start smaller and work for a site first so that you can learn on someone else’s money and sez list.

Yes No. Not Helpful 7 Helpful You can sign up for Niteflirt or Talktome. Not Helpful 18 Helpful I have been trying to find a legitimate job in this field but I have had no success. How do I find one that is not fake?

Total Lip Service taught me how to work on a site called NiteFlirt. It is a site for phone sex pros but TLS operatod a training course that I took which makke me all the ins and outs about fetishes and making the call last longer. NiteFlirt lets you set your own rate, so I charge 1. Not Helpful 15 Helpful It starts out low, because you have to pay more to market yourself, e. But keep in mind, just mae you’re available doesn’t mean that you are talking, so if you’re trying to figure out what you make in an hour, you could really only be working for a fraction of a penny per minute.

Not Helpful 5 Helpful Yes, there are plenty of websites where you can sign up just to do online messaging. I work for two sites, one called Opefator, another called Talktome.

I paid no fee to either but I did have to supply a credit card to prove that I was It depends on what you put into it: time, xex, taboos, how many regulars you have. Not Helpful 4 Helpful The people hiring you will probably tell you that they like your voice, or that it’s sexy. Not Helpful 11 Helpful Should they be asking for my social security and driver’s license numbers? They usually shouldn’t ask for your social security number, but driver’s license number is normal.

Always Google the company name before providing personal infomation to make sure others have not flagged it as fake. Not Helpful 3 Helpful Unanswered Questions.

Can I work from anywhere in the world, or do I have to be US based? Answer this question Flag as Flag as Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Look for phone sex positions that offer flexibility with hours, or for those with shifts that run at nighttime and on weekends. The majority of phone sex calls will occur late at night and on weekends. Since phone sex is mony by some as a controversial field wxys business, most opfrator sex companies will develop aliases for their company name so you can keep the details behind your professional life private.

Warnings Make sure that any phone sex company you work for will protect your privacy and anonymity. Having your real name and location revealed to ma,e can be potentially dangerous, so it will be important to find and work with a company that values your privacy and safety. Related opertor. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Co-authors: Phonne November 13, ZB Zarita Barnes Jun 28, I also didn’t realize t needed to ways to make money as a phone sex operator so many aliases and I assume you talk to men and women.

I was watching a movie about phone sex and read this article. It is acting, but it seems like a lot of fun. AR Araik Russell Nov 20, I honestly couldn’t find a legit chatline company.

Now that I’ve found this article I can start a new career! I’ve bookmarked this page in my phone so that I never lose this article, I will guard it with my life lol. DD Darlene Doyle Feb mony, I didn’t have a clue about how to go about this, didn’t know you need a land line and computer. So yes, it was helpful.

L Lynda Jun 21, Hats off to those who answered the questions! This was the first article I have read about the subject. LJ Loraine Joiner May 31, LS Lisa Simpson Mar 16, BW Brooksie Walton Jul 27, Thank you. Feb 22, Sep 7, NL Nicole Lloyd Operatoor 25, Rated this article:.

Women Only Work As A Phone Sex Operator Make Over $300 A Day

When most people think of work from home jobs, they most likely think about data entry or transcription. But who wants to sit at home all day in front of the boring computer screen? Why not find a gig that is a little more exciting than your average work from home job? If you have ever wanted to be an actor, I have the perfect mwke from home gig for you. This job is totally real, and perfect for both men and women.

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Whether oprator are looking to make a little pgone money to pay off your bills a little bit faster, or just want to add some cushion to your savings account, you should definitely keep reading. I have some great tips to help you work from home as a phone sex operator, while avoiding the many scams that are out. Alright, it looks like you are still on board here or just really curious! Before you become a phone sex ways to make money as a phone sex operator, there are some things you should know.
