How did cw post make his money

how did cw post make his money

Post was a brilliant huckster who invented Grape Nuts and Postum. Post spent his entire life suffering many real and imagined illnesses. At age 59, he thought he had appendicitis and hired a nonstop train from his djd in California to Rochester, Minnesota, so he could have his appendix removed by the most famous surgeons of the time, Drs. William and Charles Mayo at the Mayo Clinic. It is arguable whether he ever did have his appendix removed, but he returned home to California still suffering from belly pain, and a few months later he put a shotgun to his head and killed. His year-old daughter, Marjorie Merriweather Post, inherited his vast fortune and became the richest woman in the world. Early Life and Path to Riches Post was born in in Springfield, Illinois, and worked as a salesman, manufacturer and inventor of agricultural machines. He amke to Battle Creek, Michigan, to be treated by world-famous John Harvey Kelloggwho had a sanitarium where he claimed to cure people miraculously with a vegetarian diet, daily enemas and abstention from sex. Kellogg put him in a wheelchair, told him never to eat meat again, prescribed a div that was loaded with fiber, gave him daily enemas and took all his money, eventually leaving Post with no funds. Kellogg kicked him out of the sanitarium. Without any money, Post had to use his wits to make a living, so he used his most persuasive possession, his mouth. He Invented Postum in Post decided that he wanted to be as rich as Dr.

A pioneer in the manufacture and mass marketing of breakfast cereals and other consumer products, Charles William Post attempted to use his wealth to affect various aspects of early 20th-century American life. Charles William Post, who preferred to be called C. The gift for language that would make Post’s advertisements famous may have been nurtured by his mother, Caroline, whose poetry was published in several magazines. A restless, peripatetic nature passed from Post’s father, Charles Rollin Post, who pursued a variety of occupations as he traveled throughout the country, including time at the California gold rush as a forty-niner. Post’s formal education ended at the Illinois Industrial College later to become the University of Illinois , where he completed only a botany course and withdrew at the age of Within a year Post sold his interest in the store and returned to Springfield. There he married Ella Merriweather and engaged in the design and manufacture of agricultural implements. The failure of the manufacturing enterprise and a nervous breakdown led Post to Texas, where he developed residential real estate near Fort Worth. At the sanitarium Post was fed a grain-intensive vegetarian diet featuring a variety of products formulated by Kellogg himself. Post left the sanitarium after a few months and briefly attempted to operate a competing clinic, La Vita Inn, in Battle Creek. During this time he published a book, I Am Well! La Vita Inn never attained significant success. Early in Post began the manufacture of Postum, a grain product intended as a coffee substitute, similar to one of Kellogg’s concoctions.

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The manufacture of Grape-Nuts, based on another Kellogg item, began the following year. Post named his new company Postum Ltd. Postum Ltd.

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Post grew up in Illinois. His first job, as a traveling salesman for an agricultural concern, took him to the West, but he returned to Illinois at age His interests were wide-ranging, from real-estate investment in Texas to the establishment of La Vita Inn, an institute for healing by means of mental suggestion in Battle Creek , Michigan. The business for which he is best known, food manufacturing , was started in After a number of experiments, Post produced and marketed his first product—the cereal beverage called Postum—founding the Postum Cereal Co. His extensive and perceptive advertising campaigns brought him rapid success in the food industry, and he turned his attention to fighting unions, a cause in which he remained active until the end of his life. In he had surgery for the removal of his appendix, and, while in the process of recovery, he committed suicide. Article Media. Info Print Cite. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Post American industrialist. See Article History.

He was basically broke when he started on TV. In addition to the famous hotels, tower blocks, and golf courses, the billionaire’s ventures have included Trump Steaks, Trump magazine, and TRUMP the board game. Also, Donald lost a lot of money but then got his net worth back up. During the construction phase, Trump paid himself outlandish salaries and bonuses, with the company paying a lot of his expenses as well.

He is a very frugal person. He bought pot team in the upstart United States Football League, then helped bring about the league’s collapse by moving its season to compete head-to-head with the NFL’s. Trump Signature Collection line of shirts and ties made in Mexico and Chinaand put on Trump Fragrance which vw the spirit of the driven man». Donald Trump has 5 children: Donald Jr. His hotels and golf courses. Trump Airlines lasted only three years. By the s, Fred was a multi-millionaire. During a visit home to Kallstadt, he got engaged to a local woman, Elizabeth Christ, and tried to resettle in Germany. Ddid have questions? So, he would declare his company bankrupt and it would be sold on the open market for pennies on the dollar. Of the firms in which he is involved, have «Trump» in the company title. Donald Trump Donald How did cw post make his money. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make hard exit. During the construction phase, Wc paid himself outlandish salaries and bonuses, with the company paying a lot of his expenses as .

I believe he had «daddy» help him at the start. But how did he continue making? I thought he was into property development, but i think that development is salary pay. So that would mean that he has a second source of income. Would that be from property management, since development and management go hand in hand?

Yes, he got his initial start from his daddy. What he then did is went out and secured investors for real estate projects, like casinos in New Jersey. These investors would then give him hundreds of millions of dollars to develop the properties.

During the construction phase, Trump paid himself outlandish salaries and bonuses, with the company paying a lot of his expenses as. Eventually, the project would run out of money and no one would invest in it any. So, he would declare his company bankrupt and it would be sold on the open market for pennies on the dollar. But, because it was the companies going bankrupt and not him, he was not financially liable for the company’s or the investors’ losses.

Then, a while later, he would do the same thing with a whole new set of investors apparently, he is quite adept at getting fools to part with large sums of money. And, he was able to just start up another company immediately after he previous one went bankrupt, because his personal finances had nothing to do with his companies.

In fact, he wouldn’t even take a hit on his credit report. That’s his credit report, not the company’s. So, he’s basically a snake oil salesman who legally bilks wealthy companies and individuals out of millions for his destined-to-fail business, and laughs all the way to the bank. The man must have beaten a record on declaring bankruptcies, you’ll see this when you read about.

He made his money by buying and selling properties. Not managing. Trending News. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter raises Trump security issue. Jennifer Aniston blames ‘peer pressure’ for decision. Was this the last, best shot for Aaron Rodgers? Both sides cite dangers in run-up to Senate trial. Brady ready for ‘whatever the future may bring’.

Tim Tebow marries former Miss Universe. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make hard exit. NBA player’s career in jeopardy after car crash. The Rock shares heartfelt posts about late father.

Dressed to impress: Niners pick Super Bowl uniforms. Answer Save. Paul in San Diego Lv 7. Favorite Answer. Silly Goose Lv 7. He was basically broke when he started on TV. By patenting his comb. Anyone else who has a comb over has to pay royalty’s. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

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Marjorie Merriweather Post was one of America’s earliest and most famous heiresses, socialites and philanthropists. Inwhen she was 27 years old, her father C. Post died and left her the Postum Cereal Company, which she and husband E. Hutton transformed into the General How did cw post make his money Corporation.

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Post also owned Sea Cloudthe world’s largest private sailing yacht. A niece was Woolworth heiress Barbara Hutton, who had spent happier times during her troubled childhood and adolescence visiting and traveling with «Aunt Marjorie» and «Uncle Ned» E. Post was widely recognized for her generous but quiet, anonymous philanthropic gifts, for her lavish and gracious hospitality, and for her extensive collections of Russian Imperial and 18th-century French decorative art objects. Marjorie Merriweather Post’s life epitomized an opulent and refined style of living which no longer exists among the very rich in America. Post was born on October 26,in Springfield, Illinois. Marjorie’s father became a foresighted inventor and businessman who would virtually establish the breakfast cereal industry. As a young man C. On November 4,C. Post married his childhood sweetheart, Ella Letitia Merriweather. In AugustC. Post suffered a complete collapse from nervous exhaustion caused by strain and overwork, and his doctors advised him to move to a warmer and drier area of the country. In FebruaryC. Post, Ella and their only child Marjorie moved to Fort Worth, Texas, where he established real estate ventures and the family lived for a while on a small ranch outside the city. While still in Texas, sometime inC.
