Make money growing japanese maples

make money growing japanese maples

The leaves of Acer palmatum Shojo no mai feature a green center encircled through the tips with vibrant pink edging. David Myers has learned in the nearly decade since he began collecting Japanese maples that myths abound about the ornamental tree. Whether it’s through the website of Davidsan’s Japanese Maples, the business he and his wife, Gale Myers, own or during a tour of their three-acre nursery in Springfield, David strives to debunk what he calls the «balderdash» about the plants with origins in Japan and other parts of Asia. Among the biggest myths, Myers said, is that Japanese maples come in only two types broad leaf and cut leaf or colors red and green. Davidsan’s carries between to make money growing japanese maples of Japanese maples. The business specializes in dwarf cultivars of Japanese maples and other rare companion trees such as dwarf ginkgoes and conifers. We don’t carry common stuff in either Japanese maples or our companion trees. We call them ‘companion trees’ because they grow really well in areas where you plant Japanese maples,» Myers said. Customers who have frequented the nursery by appointment only have come from places such as Nebraska, Michigan and Texas.

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Growing trees for profit is an ideal part-time or full-time business for anyone who would like to be their own boss and enjoys being outdoors working with plants. Trees are a valuable and renewable resource that can be raised in a small backyard or acreage. Best of all, trees are not a seasonal crop like flowers or vegetables. Instead, trees just keep on growing, so you can sell the larger trees next year for more money. You can establish a tree growing business with a pint-sized investment of money — as little as a few hundred dollars. A tree growing business can bring you with a solid income working just a few hours a week. If you opt to turn it into a full-time business, your earnings can grow as fast as your trees. Here are just a few of the valuable trees to consider:. BONSAI — With a history dating back thousands of years, bonsai, the art of growing miniature trees, is still improving in worldwide popularity. Millions of people around the world cherish these natural beauties, which require very little space given their compact size. This is just one of the reasons why a bonsai nursery makes sense for anybody with modest growing space.

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These high-value trees can provide a sizable income in a very modest nursery area. FRUIT TREES- — There is an increasing demand for both backyard fruit trees that can generate a crop for homeowners aiming to cut down food costs and as a commercial tree for those thinking about starting a fruit tree nursery on small acreage. Thanks to tree researchers, dwarf fruit tree varieties are now available that can produce two or three times per acre what standard trees produce, and start production in just three or four years. Landscapers often use these wonderful trees as part of an arrangement or as a stand-alone specimen tree. The Japanese maple is a sensible choice for a tree nursery with modest space. From apple trees to yews, there are hundreds of popular trees which can be grown and sold to homeowners, landscapers and retail nurseries. The best and newest method is using permaculture to set up a natural forest, with taller nut trees, especially walnuts and chestnuts for the upper story and shade-tolerant nuts, like filberts, for the lower story. Growing nut tree seedlings to sell on a piece of the acreage can provide added income. When the larger sized trees are full-grown, they can be selectively harvested for their valuable timber, which can fetch several thousand dollars for just one tree.

Collecting and Selling Japanese Maple Seeds

By far, the Japanese maple is one of the most popular, most coveted, most sought after plant you can have in your nursery. There is a bit of an education process involved, both for you and I the sellers , and the end consumer. For the most part, many people think there is one kind of Japanese maple. Some are aware that there are upright Japanese maples as well as weeping Japanese maples, but very, very few realize that there are over different kinds of Japanese maples. You can collect and sell Japanese maple seeds if you want.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Japanese maples are beautiful to behold in a garden and growing them is reasonably straightforward. There are always people looking for fresh Japanese maple seeds. In a week! Andy is a customer of mine.

Growing Trees For Profit

You can do. The demand for Japanese maples of all kinds is huge and it is growing by leaps and bounds. And the rare, more interesting vaieties are really hard to.

Especially in the local areas. But what about the rest of the country? The people who live near you would jump at the chance to buy Japanese maples from you if they could! Since I have been teaching people all over the world how to start their own backyard nurseries and we have incredible success stories. People selling thousands and thousands of dollars worth of plants right from their own backyard.

But guess what they never have enough of? The very first thing that they sell out of are Japanese maples. People go crazy over Japanese maples and when you over them at a reasonable price people go crazy and buy them on the spot!

There are a lot of people out there that are absolutely fanatical about Japanese maples and they will keep coming back and buying more and more and. Every variety that they can find, they buy! I know. To support my habit! Is that crazy? In your mind, picture a picnic table. In an area that size you can fit approximately1 containers. Most nurseries sell Japanese maples in 5, 7, or even as large as 35 containers.

And they have no problem getting those prices, but at the same, time those prices keep most people out of the market. Many people just cannot pay those kinds of prices for a Japanese maple so they are forced to do. So what we as Backyard Growers do, we offer the general public smaller, but really nice plants for a lot less money and they love us for what we. But we also offer larger, or more expensive varieties for more money.

Now, think about that small picnic table size area that I mentioned earlier. You do the math. Japanese maples are a hot item and when people see them they just have to have. I mean they have to have them! They come to you, cash in hand, hoping that you still have some plants left to sell. Then they come back and buy more as long as your prices are reasonable.

That depends. Growing Japanese maples is a process, but I speed up the process greatly because I buy small Japanese maples on the wholesale market at deeply discounted prices and grow them on from. Andy is a customer of. He bought my Backyard Growing System. I watched and followed along as Andy took orders for these Japanese maples.

Actually, I was doing the math. Andy had two prices. After about a week Andy excited posted that he had sold over 1, plants. In a week! During the winter! And he was dumbfounded.

That winter I only bought about 20 plants from Andy so this little Japanese maple garden. I said that Andy was my customer right? Well guess what? I mean really nice.

Lots of our members buy from Andy and those plants are some of the first plants they sell out of. They never seem to buy.

Check your zone. I buy small plants and grow them in full sun here in Ohio. And we do get some really hot days during July and August. And of course our winters can be pretty brutal as. There are always people looking for fresh Japanese maple seeds. You can probably get the seeds free from a tree or several trees in your neighborhood. Japanese maples are easy to grow from seed and other growers like me are always looking for seedlings they can buy. Seedlings with green leaves are usually sold to people who want to graft onto those seedlings.

Seedlings with good red color can be sold just about. I just ordered 2, Japanese Red maple seedlings. Think about. And get. Japanese maples with deep red colored leaves usually produce seedlings with good red color. Small grafted Japanese maples are super hot sellers! Growers like me buy hundreds of grafted Japanese maples at a time. But I also buy from at least one other source and spend thousands and thousands of dollars with them as. She admitted that she had never grown anything before, but since I was offering a money back guarantee she took a chance.

Jen has done incredible well! You can make money buying and re-selling Japanese maples. He buys them wholesale and actually re-sells them wholesale. There might be one close to you, depending upon where you live. When I finally tried to buy of them he was already sold. You can do like I. You never mention how one can get involved in this, or your growing. Please contact me with further information. I am in Jefferson, TX. Thanks, Linda.

You can go to a site like Mr Maple. But even within our group, they are only available a couple of times a year. Hello linda how are you.? My name is Truitt i am 29 years old and love nature.

I especially love japanese maples and other rare beautiful trees and plants. I am very intrested in growing japanese maples on my land as a business decision to sell. I have about acres that has been in my family for generations. We have mostly grown hay to sell and feed our cows. But i think you have some great ideas and id love to converse witg you and bounce some ideas back and forth.

Im very interested in going into business with you. Yes please get in contact with me about getting started in the process of going into business and getting income coming in. I am interested in starting a small business by growing Japanese Maples. How many would i have to buy?

I live in Cleveland, Tn. Would appreciate information. Now I decide to get back to Japanese maple idea and I have right now maybe around thousand plans and I planted some seeds. I live in central jersey and I have a farm about eight and half acres with the building 35 x 75 which can be used as greenhouse, i want to thank you for sharing all this information, which can be used very successfully,feel free replying if you have any better idea for me, thank you again Mike.

George K. I receive many emails from you about selling Maple trees, but I checked my growing zone and we are in zone 9. I would really like my trees to have a red color but will zone 9 be good for that?

Please advise my request for Zone 9 information. Thank you, Verna Hinsberger. Verna, there are a couple of Japanese maple varieties that do pretty good in warmer climates, but not that.

But there are hundreds of other small plants that you can grow and sell. Things that sell like crazy. Thank you, Verna H.

About Japanese maples

These lovely trees make a unique addition to any garden, with foliage ranging from delicate lacy leaves to variegated leaves in a rainbow of colors from red and green to pinks and white highlights. Landscape designers love Japanese maples because they can be used in so many ways in the landscape. Because Japanese maples are smaller trees, they can also be easily grown in containers to allow more plants in the same space — ideal for those growers with limited space. A backyard nursery can hold hundreds of these sought-after trees, and at the high prices for most varieties, even a small growing area can produce thousands of dollars of profit each year. There are hundreds of cultivars of this beautiful tree, with endless make money growing japanese maples of color, form, leaf type and size.

10 Myths (Plus 1) about Japanese Maples

It can be downright confusing for a beginner, so just remember that most Japanese maples fall into two broad types, broad leaf and cut leaf, and two primary colors, red and green. Japanese Red Maple. This is a spectacular tree for fall color, with red leaves in summer that turn even brighter red in fall. Also popular are the attractive dissectum varieties, with deeply cut feathery leaves and a weeping shape. Crimson Queen Japanese Maple. This dwarf variety only reaches ten feet in height at maturity. Cutleaf Green Japanese Maple. A dwarf variety, it reaches only six feet at maturity, with green dissected leaves in summer, turning golden in the fall. Although it takes time to build an inventory of high quality Japanese maples, it can be worth the wait. Rare varieties can bring twice as. The rewards go beyond just profits, as the satisfaction of creating these beautiful trees goes beyond money. A side benefit is having a small collection of these specimens in your yard for grafting to produce even more unique trees.
