How much money can i make growing weed indoors

how much money can i make growing weed indoors

The following scenario assumes a person sets aside one ten by ten room for growing marijuana, with five lights of 1, watts. As hpw the other financial examples, these numbers are examples only to demonstrate what might be a typical result. These numbers demonstrate the profit potential in growing marijuana. As businesses go, this is a quite reasonable cost to set up. Individual results will vary based upon a variety of factors. Total production will depend on the strain selected, the growing method used, and how well growing conditions are controlled. Total revenue will depend upon the weight and the variety of marijuana grown. The most potent marijuana, with the highest retail price, does not necessarily produce the greatest amounts. There are some varieties that produce in huge abundance but are indors as potent or as fragrant, so they don’t command the o price per pound.

In , the Green Rush ushered in a whole new crop of get-rich-quick schemers to California and Colorado to make money growing marijuana. The wealthiest man in San Francisco at the time, Samuel Brannan , was a pioneering Mormon who counted Brigham Young among his influential friends. Brannan made his wealth selling equipment and newspapers to miners from Sacramento to the coastal boomtown of San Francisco. And boy does history repeat itself! Entrepreneurs from all over the country have flocked to California to get rich quick. Marijuana is an agricultural crop subject to market pricing. Prices per pound for marijuana are dictated by what the market will bear, otherwise known as supply and demand. The price of cannabis is set based on who wants it, how much there is of it and what people are willing to pay to get it. If the supply is low and demand is high, prices are high. There is always a demand for marijuana, but the price per pound, however, has been artificially inflated due to prohibition. The amount of risk involved in producing marijuana anything from a slap on the wrist to life in prison, depending on region and judicial system scared many people from growing marijuana than probably would have liked to. This risk created a condition of artificial scarcity in the market, keeping the price high. As laws have progressed, the risk has dwindled somewhat, causing the supply to surge and prices to drop.

Cannabis Now

More people decided to grow marijuana, flooding the market and causing saturation. The benefits of market saturation fall on the side of the consumer or the patient. More growers means a greater selection at a lower price. Corn farmers are paid for their crops by American tax dollars regardless of the yield so that they will continue growing corn every year.

Master Grower, Bud Trimmer & Other Marijuana Growing Job Salary Comparison

Sure, if you grew it or had the right connections, you could enjoy year-round buds. But most smokers found themselves with an empty sack and a bowl full of resin a helluva lot more often than they wanted. In fact, more often than not they were flush. However, they wanted a plump satchel all the time— days a year. And even if they could hunt down a bag, it was typically harsh, seedy, stemmy, low THC schwag weed. A lot of people even had to smoke this crap year round because it was all they could get. Good weed rarely crossed their paths. So it was shit weed most of the year , peppered with periods of desperately trying to get their hands on something… anything …no matter how bad it was. Mexi weed would make its way across the border from Mexico into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, where it could be purchased south of the United States interior border checkpoints—which are usually within 25—75 miles of the U. Now, obviously, prices varied based on factors such as location, who your connections were, and how dry or saturated the market was. And if you had the good shit, like some quality hydro, your product was in high demand and you could practically name your price. Now my crew grew much of this weed.

So every 2 months Im bagging up 32oz. Does «not telling anyone what you are doing» include posting your endeavor online so millions of people can see it? You might also like:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. How about to make an actual profit? So I started a perpetual grow in the basement. To Top. This will help reduce the heat it emits, but with the extra cost of purchasing the inline fan.

The business isn’t just for gangsters and degenerates anymore.

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I started this thread to talk about how to make money growing weed, hence the title If your reading this right now it is because when you saw the title you thought one of two things: A I wanna get rich growing weed! B Its not that easy, Lets see what this dummy is gonna say. Well, those of you whom fall under our first category are gonna be dissapointed! But if you wanna continue reading I will share with you how I live comfortably, Have a continually growing savings account and stock portfolio, all the free smoke my lungs can inhale and live debt free.

First of all I started a service based business a couple years ago with profits from growing. I dont make a whole lot of money. After deducting all my living expenses i. That dont go far when the kiddos need a pair of shoes or the wife wants to go for a nice dinner. So I started a perpetual grow in the basement. I sectioned off a room in the laundry area and set up two tents. I run two 4’x4’x7′ tents. I use hempy buckets with GH nutes and get around oz per plant.

These days its more towards the 4 mark. I run 2 watt lights on a single watt ballast with a splitter. So every 2 months Im bagging up 32oz. The key thing is though that my day job covers all my living expenses, allowing me to save, invest or spend this money how I see fit. Ive been doing this for 3 years now and cant believe how fast you can really accumulate savings if your disiplined enough to not spend it all frivolously.

So the whole morel of this post is if your looking to make money or a living growing, think long term. Dont think you just need to go balls to the wall and put out plants. Even if its a little shitty job. By having a job your blending in with society. Get rid of it to one person or as few as possible to minimize your risks. Never tell the people you give it to you grew it, tell them your cousin has some crazy columbian cartel ties or. Making small amounts of money over time is alot less risky than a huge grow op.

You fly under the radar as long as your smart and careful. Plus I dont know who I could drop 20lbs on at once anyway! I hope thins may inspire a few of you out there reading this to take a different perspective when considering growing for a profit to think long term as opposed to that one big score.

Be smart and stick to whats comfortable to you and let discipline override your ambitions sometimes and you will be well off in the future.

Remember, you cant make or spend money from a jail cell! Be smart and over time you will be rewarded as long as you dont blow all the money on hookers and booze! Set a certain number of how much you wanna put back each harvest and stick to it. Its hard sometimes but after a couple times and you see that acount growing it makes it a little easier! Hope this helped someone! Anyone have any questions feel free to ask!

Comments welcome as well! GreenRedneck Member. Does «not telling anyone what you are doing» include posting your endeavor online so millions of people can see it? Just wondering. Timmy22 said:.

RC7 Well-Known Member. Don’t pay attention to the troll, lol. Thats a really good setup you have going there i hope to do that soon. TruenoAE86coupe Moderator. Good thread though, think you made it look a little easy though, you have to know someone you can sell it all to that you trust to not rob you TruenoAE86coupe said:. It is a good idea, and there is rumor of prices headed back up, but if this last year is any indication not to mention the thousands of illegal ads on craigslist prices won’t be going up for quite a while RC7 said:.

Truenoae86coupe — respect. GreenRedneck said:. MidwestMike Active Member. You should pay attention to this troll. Drug dealers like timmy are ruining it for patients who depend on the med mj just to make it through the day. And you all think the feds don’t know what you are up to? You are terribly mistaken. Remember this the longer you play with fire,probability says you stand a better chance of getting burned.

Even if nothing else changes. I guess what im saying is dont be greedy get in make some dime and move on.

Jackp0t08 Active Member. The market in SoCal is really shitty. I know that it’s not good to sit on too much weight, especially if that weight is putting you over the legal limit, but it just seems to me that patience could really pay off.

Jackp0t08 said:. You guys just need to meet some people in how much money can i make growing weed indoors states. Transporting it is obviously risky because one random pullover and you could wind up in jail for a long time, but if you have a couple of them it could be a very profitable drive. You must log in or register to reply .

Northern California pot grower on the job. Bo McGee was the year I broke into the legitimate cannabis industry. For the next ten years, I maintained a pretty mainstream lifestyle by Werd Francisco standards as well as a stable career in Operations-Management for a local non-profit, all while smoking massive amounts of ganja at every opportunity. How much money can i make growing weed indoors, I became one of those jabronis who dreads going to work every day for a measly paycheck.

About BigMike Straumietis

In truth, the best part of my work day was the fat joint I would smoke every night on my way home. So before settling for a job that was just barely good enough, I decided I incoors try to live the acn and get a job in the cannabis industry. I started trying to pick up any work I could find around the marijuana business. I hit up friends, and friends of friends, mucu friendly folks who smelled like weed. My first gig was helping a buddy trim the 30 Growimg Widow plants he had grown in his basement. Over the course of the next few years, I worked with a variety of outdoor growers in the famous «Emerald Triangle» of pot-growing counties in Northern California. I acquired some good knowledge and made some extra cash, but struggled to find a role beyond seasonal work. I am proud to tell people what I do for work and eager to talk about the state of the business. Mufh the groundswell of support the nation showed for marijuana in November, the conversation about l has been brought into the public light more than. And of course, it wasn’t that along ago when I was an «outsider» myself, and had similar misconceptions. Looking back on the journey now, these are the five most important things I’ve learned about the cannabis industry:. And while that description may look a bit like me in that old picture a few lines up trading the shotgun for a ukeleleit doesn’t look much like the modern grow facilities that now dominate the marketplace. Growers have been operating within the shifting gray areas of the law for decades around Northern California. With the passage of Prop 64, the business becomes increasingly legal, muhc, safe, and regulated.
