Make money selling stuff on amazon

make money selling stuff on amazon

Can newcomers realistically make money selling on Amazon today? If so, is it best to start off with FBA or Merchant selling? We will have to start part-time and our goal is to move into full time in a years time. Is that realistic? We are a smart, creative hardworking couple. We are looking for honest, constructive feedback. We are not opposed to taking risks and we have some money to get started. My advice is really analyze and understand what niche you plan on selling in before you jump in. YES it is very possible for new sellers to make money on Amazon. Do NOT try to use any shortcuts. You will need to put time and money into your own business and do a lot of homework to start. First thing you need to do is to spend a couple of weeks or more studying Amazon policies.

Listing Products on Amazon Handmade

Today, he’s a year-old small business owner, running a company that brings in millions of dollars per year by selling thousands of different products on Amazon. Lubarsky buys a wide variety of products in bulk — from electronics and kids’ toys to health and beauty supplies — and then he re-sells them on Amazon, all while trying to turn a tidy profit. He engages in a business model known as wholesale arbitrage, which sees him buying large quantities of products from wholesalers or large brands. So, how does Lubarsky do it? Here are a few tips from Lubarsky that reveal the basics of how to be a third-party seller on Amazon. First things first. You’ll need money to get started, so you can buy wholesale products to sell online. He used the rest of the money of to buy his first batch of inventory, including almost different wholesale products that he knew would sell well on Amazon and return a respectable profit. Lubarsky relies on wholesale companies , or even large brands, that are willing to sell products in bulk for resale. It’s the best way to get a large quantity of products at a discounted price, he says. If you’re just getting started, though, Lubarsky’s advice is to stick with wholesalers, versus reaching out to large brands like Hasbro, which makes Nerf toys directly. Of course, Lubarsky’s business only works if people are actually willing to buy the products he buys in bulk — otherwise, he’s left with unsold inventory. In order to decide what to buy, Lubarsky and his employees research extensively using Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon FBA site , which offers sales-tracking tools to third-party sellers that can tell Lubarsky how many units of a particular product are typically sold each day.

Getting Started On Amazon Handmade

For the most part, Lubarsky is unlikely to consider any product that is outside of the 50, top sellers on Amazon’s ranking. The second factor he considers is the expected return on his investment or ROI.

Determine Your Selling Strategy

You probably already know that Amazon is growing like crazy. What started as an online bookstore has now turned into a one-stop shop for consumers. In addition, people are starting to learn how to make money on Amazon as it turns to 3rd party sellers in various ways. In , Amazon surpassed retail giant Walmart in size and value. Amazon even broke its own record on Cyber Monday , selling more products hundreds of millions of them than they ever had before in a single day. The trend of online shopping has also affected other traditional retail stores. Also, malls nowadays are much emptier. The reason for the shift of consumer behavior comes from the power bestowed upon the customers. Back then, they were at the mercy of retail stores as they drive from one store to another, hoping to get the best value. Nowadays, consumers can sit back at their homes while flipping through different online stores. The convenience of online shopping is evident in this Wall Street Journal article , as sales continue to grow annually since

How to get the products

As far as how to market your products — there are a lot of examples of profitable online businesses to follow. And, in fact, these third-party services could form the basis for your venture in the long term. Probably the most powerful today is Amazon. Over the years this one-time bookseller has become huge. It is a player in the streaming movies and TV shows industry — even producing its own shows.

I fear that that sentiment applies more heavily to selling on Amazon. Then again, in addition to digital format, you can print actual copies of your book too. Despite knowing that I sell on Etsy, some of my friends are still wary of purchasing from the platform. Once you share the link and a purchase is made, you earn a percentage of the sale. If you want a pinback button from a certain Handmade seller, you have to manually select that category. Amazon is a huge opportunity for those who want to join the world of e-commerce. There’s been a lot of controversy over Amazon seller reviews lately, with some sellers offering refunds for the items they sell just for five-star reviews. Is it likely? The Mitchell Brothers, over at StartUpBros, have a fairly detailed article on the online arbitrage selling process you need to read if this is your method of choice. And, in my opinion, Ebay is the best place to find those products. Dave lives in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife, Tracy, son, Jack, and a whole mess of pets. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Listen Money Matters is reader-supported.

Get Enthusiastic–Amazon is a Huge Opportunity

We’ve mentioned before that Amazon is a great place to sell your used and unwanted items and make a tidy profit in the mwke. However, there are different ways to sell with Amazon, and some useful tricks that will help you get more money for your stuff when you do post it for sale. Here’s what you need to know. There are two «seller» programs at Amazon. Sdlling first, «Fulfilled by Amazon» FBA requires a monthly fee, but it offers some big benefits, both in convenience and in helping you get your stuff sold.

The second, simply «Amazon Seller,» lets you list whatever you like, and Amazon charges you a fee for each item sold. Here’s a breakdown of each program. Fulfilled by Amazon make money selling stuff on amazon FBA is ideal if you want to get all of your unwanted stuff out of your house as quickly as possible.

Let Amazon deal with the hassle of storing it, shipping it, and providing customer service to anyone who buys it. The biggest benefit here is that Amazon handles virtually all aspects of the ma,e process. They’ll list your gear, they’ll even make your items available via Prime shipping, which will lure even more potential customers to your item.

The monthly fee can take a bite out of your profits although there are no per-sale feesbut the convenience can’t be beat. Plus, making yourself an Amazon Professional Seller lets you sell things other people can’t, like clothes and shoes.

There are some caveats. If your items don’t sell, you’ll have to eventually pay Amazon storage fees. The service also isn’t great for low-value items that you want to sell one aazon a time—you really should have a mountain amazno stuff to send in at once, all of which you stuvf will probably sell quickly. Amazon Monry : Amazon Seller is the standard for individuals looking to list specific items for sale one at a time, when xtuff see fit.

Think of it like eBay, but with the benefit of Amazon’s massive product catalog and customer base. We highlighted Amazon Seller multiple times as the best way to sell all sorts of things ; especially electronics, books, collectables, or pretty much anything that Amazon also sells. Of course, because you really are an individual seller, you have to list monye item yourself, set your own price, keep track of your inventory, and ship the item when it sells.

You’ll also have to deal with customer service and questions from your buyers—if there’s a dispute, you’ll have to handle it. Also, you don’t get the benefit of listing your items under Prime shipping, although you can offer free shipping if you want. If your primary goal is to declutter, you have sruff idea whether your stuff will sell, and you’re willing to take sellinb time doing it, this is the best option or you.

For more information on the differences between the two Amazon programs, check out their seller program FAQs. Choosing the right program will make sure you walk away with the most possible cash at the end of the month. I’ve been using Amazon Seller for a while, and one thing I’ve learned is that neither program is really good for selling low-value items or items where there’s a ton of competition.

Whichever program you choose, make sure xtuff you look at the things you want to sell on Amazon first to see how much they’re going. Look at your competition, and see what they’re charging for the same or better condition as your item. Check their shipping fees. I’m not sure how the person selling it makes money that way, but it was a clear signal that I was better off stuuff the book to a library or a school than trying to list it. Do your homework, and make sure it makes sense to even sell the item.

You may be dtuff against sellers you can’t beat on price, and if you’re just starting out, you probably don’t have the seller rating to convince someone to spend more on your item unless of course, it’s rare, in perfect condition, or there’s another factor at play. Sellinf, when you set your price, don’t just hit «match low price» and walk away.

Make sure your price is competitive compared to an item of the same quality, or you may be throwing money away. Also, make sure you’re not matching someone else’s shipping costs if yours are higher.

That may end up costing you money as. Speaking of shipping, you’ll be surprised how much shipping costs can take monney of your bottom line.

We’ve talked about how to save money shipping things to other peopleand it’s even more important. Ob you’re going the Fulfilled by Amazon route, Amazon handles all of this for you, but if you’re an individual seller, you’re on your.

Make a trip to your local office supply store and buy bulk shipping materials. It’s almost always cheaper than buying them from your shipper. Then you’ll have the option to pass those savings along to your buyers, or offer other services like insurance, tracking, or delivery confirmation to the mix.

Also, make sure to choose the most cost-effective shipping method. Priority Mail, tsuff it’s in a flat rate box or a standard rate box check the standard rate before mondy opt for the flat rate box—sometimes flat rate is actually more expensive is almost always your best choice for price-to-speed as. If you plan to do a lot of shipping and sell a lot of items, consider a shipping scale you can keep sellint home, and print your own labels. Then you can schedule pickups from any shipping service you prefer, and never leave the house.

Finally, when you’ve completed a sale thank your buyer for their business and ask them to leave you a review. The better your seller rating, the more likely future buyers will choose you over another person selling the same item even if you’re both offering the same price. There’s been a lot of controversy over Amazon seller reviews lately, with some sellers offering refunds aazon the items they sell just for five-star reviews. This isn’t to be confused with Amazon’s Vine Programwhich gives reviewers free stuff for their impressions.

You can’t, and shouldn’t compete with that nonsense. Encourage your buyers to leave you genuine, truthful reviews based on your experience, and don’t pester them—there’s nothing that makes a buyer want to leave a negative review than a selliing email every other day.

Like we’ve mentioned, Amazon is sellin great place to sell your unwanted crap. It’s probably one of the best on the web right now, fees or no fees, if you take convenience, safety, and the number of potential customers mondy get into consideration. With a little setup time, some patience, and a few smart tips, you can maximize your return on your dusty old books, unwanted holiday gifts, and outdated electronics.

The A. Alan Henry. Filed to: selling online. Share This Story. Get our newsletter Subscribe.

Some merchants choose to ship out products themselves, in order to avoid hefty fees Amazon charges. There are pros and cons of doing this, but if your product sells in high volume, it makes the most sense to ship via FBA. Out of all the options listed in this article about ways to make money with Amazon, becoming a seller has the greatest opportunity for you to cash in on extra income, but it also involves the most amount of research and uncertainty. This was my biggest mistake. If you want to really learn about how to sell on Amazon, it takes a lot of due diligence, YouTubing, reading and talking to others who have been in the business. The awesome thing about Amazon is the sheer number of potential customers that may click and hopefully buy your item.

Product sourcing

The competition to sell a product on Amazon is high. Who knows if the product you choose to sell will even sell? However, if you do start selling a high volume of them, chances are, another seller will see that and follow suit. Something else to note is that many categories of items require approval from Amazon before you start selling. Examples of products that need approval from Amazon first include groceries, jewelry and beauty, to name a. The process around getting ungated for a product category is hazy, at best. You have to send Amazon invoices for the items you purchased and intend to sell. At one point, I tried to sell grocery products and kept getting rejected from Amazon, without any reason why. A friend of mine was able to find a source for a product he was selling, literally in the next city over from where he lived.
