How to start a blog that make money

how to start a blog that make money

Tthat you wondering how to make money blogging? Several years ago I realized bloggers were making money. In some cases, they were making great money! Many of them seemed like regular people, just like me. How exactly were they doing it? And could I make blot blogging too? This post contains affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may make a commission. And remember, blogging is a relatively new phenomenon so there are no fancy degrees to get or formal hoops to jump. We are regular people who simply figured it. You can. Caveat 2: There are not-so-legit people and shady practices in every industry.

7 steps to start a blog

Anyone can start a blog, yes. But how to start a blog and make money with it? I often get asked how to create a blog to make money, so I decided to share everything I know in this free tutorial! Psst — I recently updated my how to start a blog and make money post with a step-by-step tutorial video see below on the technical steps to get your blog set up fast. There are literally millions of blogs on the internet, and only a fraction of them are earning any income. If you want to be a doctor, you go to medical school. If you want to be a photographer, you read about lighting and practice photography. It is well worth the effort — in the end, you get to have the best freaking job on the planet! And not to mention, the most flexible job on the planet. Seriously — imagine this: I went into the hospital with an appendicitis just before Christmas this year. Both myself AND my husband missed 2 days of work. But you DO need to be dedicated and stubborn enough to make the computers do what you need them to do. You need to be a self-starter, you need to be willing to not give up when you run into snags. You need to be a problem solver. You MUST be a problem solver.

Step 1: Decide what to blog about

You also need to be a decent writer — with a good grasp of whatever language you want to write your blog in. OR you need to be creative enough to figure out how to get away without writing much. That IS an option! You can pay others to write for you, for example. Starting a blog to make money requires that you are willing to learn and learn and learn.

how to start a blog that make money

Is it legit?

Today, I am going to show you how to start a blog and make money online. This is going to be a comprehensive guide to start your blogging journey. I am not a techie or a professional writer, just a work-at-home mum of two kids. I have learned and implemented things through my blogging journey, but the first step that I am very happy that I took was — Starting a Blog. On my blog, I have always talked about money-making side hustles. This one has proved to be a great income earner for me. Today, I will show you all how to start a blog to make money even if you are a beginner or a non-techie. You also get a FREE domain name when you sign up for a 36 month plan with my link. Signing up for longer term can save you a lot of money. This guide can kickstart your brand new blog earnings.

Can I Start a Blog for Free?

The next order of business is to find out the search volume of your topic. Some of the popular niches are:. If you want to customize the layout and design of your pages, we recommend using a drag and drop page builder like Beaver Builder or Divi. Complete your hosting purchase. My Story Of Making Money Blogging In I began to blog one day on impulse after seeing another blog and being fascinated by the medium. Writing for your readers will always bring in more readers. Leave it off if you want a regular website without blog posts. List the top 3 Are they participating in certain forums? In time as my traffic grew this income grew and I was also able to experiment with other direct forms of income such as selling advertising directly to advertisers.

Step 3. Install WordPress – your blogging software

S o, you’ve decided to start a blog, but you have no idea how to go about it? We’ve been teaching people how to start successful blogs and make money on the side for years. If you want to skip the intro, then click here to get started with the first step.

Whatever your reasons for starting a blog, there are plenty of benefits you might not even realize! However, as tempting as it may sound, choosing the free option is full of risks and limitations. Our advice would be to steer clear off the free blogging platforms. If you intend to start a business, build your brand reputation, or add more advanced features to your blog, then the free option is not going to do well for you because of its many limitations.

Before you start jumping ship, let me further explain why blogging with a free platform is bad idea. So give it a shot and get your blog started the right way. In just 10 steps and less than 30 minutes, your blog will be up and running. The only other thing you need from yourself is commitment, as starting a blog is easy but running it takes dedication and effort.

Already know what your blog will be about? Just click here to skip to the next stepchoosing your blogging platform. But if you have to choose out of the two, the best approach in our opinion is to blog about a topic that a lot of people want to read. Once you start getting more traffic, you can then monetize your blog to earn money. A lot of people will also tell you that you need to be an expert to blog on the topic you have chosen.

You only need to have an honest interest in the topic you have chosen, and then you can learn about it as you go. The next order of business is to find out the search volume of your topic. What is search volume? It simply refers to the number of people who are searching for your topic and related topics, with online search engines like Google.

That means that there are a good number of people out there who are interested in reading about that topic. You can also go to Google Trends to check the overall trend of your topic.

For example, take a look at this screenshot:. This means that this search term has potential of bringing you a lot of traffic. Choosing the best blogging platform can be tricky. A lot of people make mistakes when it comes to choosing the right blogging platform.

We have covered a separate guide on how to choose the best blogging platform to help you avoid making that mistake. The best by far is WordPress. With WordPress, you can install plugins of your choice and you can customize your website anyway you want. It gives you freedom that no other blogging platform does. For hosting and domain name registration we highly recommend Bluehost.

Which in our opinion is the best hosting for WordPress. Bluehost makes it very easy to install WordPressso you can do it with a click of a button. No technical expertise required! Bluehost is recommended by WordPress themselves and has been in the industry sincewhich makes it older than Google. Bluehost hosts millions of websites and has been working with WordPress since Users opt for Bluehost because it is more reliable and easy to set up when compared with other hosting providers.

Exclusive offer for BlogTyrant readers. This is an offer which is exclusive for Blog Tyrant readers. As shown in the screenshot. Select the one that suits you best. Note: make sure that you pick a unique domain name that is also brandable.

If you are having a hard time deciding on which domain name to choose, you can use our domain name generator to get ideas. If you want the best value, then select the 36 months price. Click on Log into WordPress and then enter your credentials.

Once logged in, click on Create Sites. After you have selected the domain, leave the directory blank and let Bluehost choose it for you. How to start a blog that make money installer will also show you some essentials plugins to install, you can add those to the installation process.

Then click on the Next button to continue. This will start the installation and it will take a few minutes to install. And that is it, you have successfully installed WordPress on Bluehost and launched your blog! Now you can access your blog at the domain you chose like www.

For more info, see this guide to finding your WordPress login link. If you want other options for WordPress hosting providers then check out our recommendations. After the installation, you must have noticed that your blog looks very basic.

There are thousands of themes to choose. You can either go for the free options or you can get premium themes with more advanced features. When you are deciding on which theme to pick, make sure that you go for simplicity.

It really helps when you have a clean design along with good content. You read our guide on how to choose a WordPress theme for more tips. You can also see this roundup of the best WordPress themes for more options.

Plugins are what makes WordPress powerful. Plugins can get your site to perform effectively and efficiently. You can get the best features available out there if you pick the right plugins. There are over 54, WordPress plugins available in the market for you to choose. They can help you with creating contact forms, generating leads, growing your traffic, and so much. Why do you need it? Yoast SEO helps you to optimize your site for Google, which helps you to boost your search engine rankings and grow your blog traffic.

How much does it cost? Yoast is free to use. However, they also have a premium version which you can use with even more features to grow your traffic. Why is it important?

It helps you configure Google Analytics on your WordPress site. MonsterInsights gives you detailed traffic analysis of your website, which helps in measuring the performance of your blog. Read how to set up Google Analytics on WordPress for more details. You can get started with MonsterInsights for freeor get the premium version for more advanced features.

WPForms helps you create a contact form which helps your readers to get in touch with you. As a blogger you should always try to engage with your readers. A simple contact form will help your readers to get in touch with you, without having to expose your email to spammers. It helps hackers stay away from your website. It scans your website regularly for any vulnerabilities and notifies you in case of any breach.

UpdraftPlus will create regular backups of your website in case anything goes wrong. Apart from getting hacked or being hit by a malicious software, you are also vulnerable to losing all of your data. This can happen for many reasons, which is why you need to take regular backups of your data. UpdraftPlus can easily do all this by scheduling regular backups.

This makes it an essential plugin to have installed on your site. WP Super Cache speeds up your blog by making it load faster for your readers. No one likes to land on a blog that takes forever to load, that is an excellent way to drive your readers away. WP Super Cache optimizes your blog so that it loads faster, and makes the overall experience smoother. What does it cost? Looking for more WordPress plugins to add features to your site?

Check out our roundup of the best WordPress plugins. To change the permalink structure go to your WordPress dashboard then click on Settings and then on Permalinks. This part is important if you want to get any traffic! You need to make sure that your blog is visible to the search engines so that it can be ranked. Pingbacks notify you when other bloggers link to you. In fact, it opens your doors to spammers who will make your blog look unprofessional. WordPress lets you create two different types of content: posts and pages.

From here, you can add your page title and your content in the text editor.

Make Money Blogging (How We Built a $100,000/Month Blog) 10 Steps for 2019

How to make money Blogging?

how to start a blog that make money
This post is about how to make money blogging. You will blpg need to register and install your blog to follow. Click here to see the free, easy guide to starting your blog in about 20 minutes.

My Story Of Making Money Blogging

There are lots of ways to monetize your blog once you have a good number of visitors. That means that you need to make sure first-time readers of your blog will come. Only by having returning readers will you ever build a sizable audience that you can profit. The easiest and best way is to ask them for an email address where you can contact them with updates. Ever wonder why just about every website you go to asks for you to sign up with your email address? This is because a mailing list allows you to contact people over and over. This is exactly what big companies like Groupon do with their mailing lists. They send out offers on a daily or weekly basis. You will need an email marketing service to get started. By far the easiest and most reliable that I have found is Constant Contactwhich offers a free trial of their services for new bloggers. I have put together a complete step-by-step tutorial on how to use Constant Contact with your blog. Once you have built a decent readership base you can turn your attention to making money from your blog. There a variety of way to do this, but one of the most lucrative ways also happens ho be the easiest- advertising. Having a large number of visitors to your blog means that advertisers will pay to have moneyy ads shown to your readers. Once you setup your account on AdSense you will be given a code to add to your blog. You may see ads from small companies related to your topic, or you may see ads from large companies that are completely unrelated to your topic.
