How church can use property to make money

how church can use property to make money

But they are also among its emptiest. Church reports indicate that in Great Britain more than a quarter of churches have fewer than 20 worshippers on a Sunday, amke in rural areas this number slips to fewer than These startling figures are repeated around the globe. Any building needs maintenance, but churches—with their beautiful stained glass windows and hardwood pews—require a certain kind of love and care. This maintenance, alongside other jse such as heating and lighting, can add up to a considerable. Left alone these buildings may slowly start to rot, and then shut. There are four key ideas in this post, designed to help you make the most of your church building, and in turn give the most to your congregation. Survival of the most adaptable, you hw say.

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Many churches in the greater New York area are situated on land that is very valuable. However, those same churches may be struggling to pay their bills or renovate aging church structures. We are seeing with greater frequency that churches in our area have growing congregations that require expanded facilities in order to accommodate this growth. Often times, these churches are approached by real estate developers looking to invest in churches to enhance their portfolios. If the terms of the transaction appear to be fair and reasonable to the church based on an appraisal and other financial considerations i. We advise our church clients to be very careful in dealing with developers and to resist selling to them if doing so will result in loss of ownership. A number of banks lend to churches with limited cash flows or assets provided that the church has substantial equity in its property. In our experience, we have seen a growing number of successful loan transactions between churches and banks with favorable terms for the churches, including reasonable interest rates. Most importantly, the church gets to keep its deed.

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A church is more likely to qualify for a loan from a bank if the proposed use of funds includes a plan for the church to generate income. One way churches can generate an income stream is by building residential rental units on their properties. In keeping with their charitable and religious missions, helping the needy by building affordable housing units is attractive to churches and local governments. Churches can often find low interest or government backed loans to build affordable housing. There are also churches in this area whose facilities are underutilized.


There is a fifth area that is rarely discussed but just as vital for the church when it comes to financial planning: property stewardship. It helps to have an experienced partner advise churches on being good stewards of what God has entrusted to them. Sometimes that means tapping into underutilized resources to create real estate income, and sometimes harvesting the value trapped in excess property. Every dollar generated or saved by a prudent real estate decision is a dollar that can go toward advancing the mission of the church. As I always look for ways to help churches in all areas of stewardship, I asked Scott to share a little about this underutilized area of focus in the hopes it would benefit some of you who read this. In the past few years, the major denominations have seen a decline in attendance as well as a decline in giving. Churches have to look for additional ways to cover their operational cost allowing what comes in from the tithe to go directly back in for ministry purposes. Also, if the time comes when churches are no longer tax exempt, it will be a paradigm shift in the way churches conduct business. It is important for the Body to be proactive instead of reactive in this season of the Kingdom. We do some brokerage work in the selling and purchasing of facilities. However, our real passion is working with churches to repurpose and redevelop their existing facilities or unused land.

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Something to Consider&#0133

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We currently have our food hwo sell dinner for our congregation before services on Wednesday nights. We only have this option at one of our campuses. This would be for the convenience of our congregants, but could it be a problem to have a for-profit business making money on our nonprofit exempt property? This is a practical question that comes up from time to time. It would be important to know if your church is receiving rental fees or a percentage of the sales.

Legal Considerations for Churches: Uses of Real Estate

If so, there mae be concerns about receiving unrelated business income. UBTI can be a tricky and complex topic. Here is what he had to say:. If the church is receiving a fee from the food truck operators, then the analysis must consider whether this has become an unrelated business activity. But even then, since this activity occurs at the same time and place as a church function, the exception for trade or business services provided as a convenience for our members should preclude any amount you receive from being UBTI. But even then, I suspect that a conversation with the county property tax authority about the occasional, transient use of the property by the food trucks—coupled with the food trucks serving food during church events—would result in no change to the property tax status. I would like to add one other thought—and a caution: If anyone on your church staff has a personal or family interest in the food trucks, they should disclose that information. That person cannot take part in deciding what trucks will sell food. That would be a conflict of ti. Longtime executive pastor and XPastor.
