Make money in bed sick career

make money in bed sick career

At the last company I worked for, I spent hours bored at work. One day, it just clicked in my head that I needed to start. I began by blogging and making money on the site. That turned into real cash, to the point where I was making more outside work than inside work. No matter what your status in life, we could all use a little extra money. College students need cash for pizza.

Suffering from personal injury is a huge fear for many. It’s not just the medical bills or the pain that is the worry, but also the fact that many people may find themselves out of work. Those with physical jobs rely heavily on their bodies in order to pay their bills and a personal injury can really put a dent in their finances. If you have suffered from an injury and are facing financial hardship due to being out of work, there is hope! Here are just a couple of ways that you can earn money if you find yourself out of work due to an injury. The internet can be your best friend if you find yourself out of work. There are plenty of ways for you to sell things online. Start off with what you have at home. Is there an attic or basement full of things that you never use? Go through all of your «junk» and see what items you can get rid of.

Have a yard sale, get on E-bay, TrueGether or Craigslist and see what you can earn some money for. If you have exhausted all of your personal items, try selling something that you make. Learn a new craft like woodworking, kitting or greeting card decoration and start earning cash. You can use sites like Etsy to sell what you make or go to local markets and sell your items. Depending on how you were injured, you may have a legal case to make.

1. Swagbucks

Many moons ago, I worked as a pediatric nurse on a med-surgical unit at a hospital. While there was a lot of flexibility with this job and it came with good benefits and pay — it also came with a lot of stress. I worked hour shifts from 7 pm to 7 am. Not only is the night shift hard on one’s body, but, you also have fewer resources and staff to assist you during the evening. Over the course of a year, I had seven children crash on me. Seven situations where children were so sick, they almost died and had to be transferred to the PICU. This stress coupled with crazy hours put my body into a tailspin. I went to the doctor to tell them about my symptoms, panic attacks, weight gain, lethargy, sleep issues, and gastrointestinal problems to find out that I had hypothyroidism. A chronic illness that I will forever have to take medication for and one that often wreaks havoc on my overall well-being. If you’re struggling to keep a job and earn an income due to your chronic condition, here are some of the best work-at-home jobs for people with chronic illnesses. Blogging is a wonderful, flexible work-at-home career for people with chronic illnesses.

Want to know more? The minimum amount to donate one pint of blood varies, so if you believe that you really need to make money in Nigeria so fast, then you can go ahead and donate blood. This business idea is still fresh and no one has started it. They are wishing they know where they can buy it for a cheap amount. Let us look at the popular methods to make money in Nigeria fast, after which I would add up my own secret method too. Am so interested in Real Estate. You also need to know that people would only give you their dogs when they trust you, and you also have good knowledge of dogs too. Am interested in the middle man business. Getting sick is an inevitable part of life, but you won’t see any job adverts offering tea and sympathy if you’re ill. Every event planner has their own set of registration rules, so you need to make the inquiries yourself. Most smart people are already using it to generate so much money, and you can be one of them.

1. Work freelance

It is one of the easy ways to make money in Nigeria. I like you to bee me up pls. That will help you if your aim is to make money in Nigeria. If you have a camera and you understand about shooting and taking pictures; get your self down to any wick planner, center make money in bed sick career register. Please if you want me to speak at any event, seminar, or be of help, please reach by sending a mail to mike. Angela Baron, adviser at the Institute of Personnel and Development, says no-one should be made vareer feel so indispensable that their office can’t function without them: «Your company should be prepared for the eventuality that people will get sick. Ushering jobs is one of the best ways to make money in Nigeria very fast during weekends.

2. Take online surveys

Only a couple of centuries ago, catching a cold might have led you to an early grave. If you didn’t die you’d be sent away to the country to spend several months recuperating in a convalescence home. Today — mainly thanks to Alexander Fleming and a mouldy dish — things are rather different. Catch a virus in and you won’t get much more than a box of Kleenex, a couple of paracetamol and a day in bed. The word ‘convalescence’ has virtually disappeared from the English language: now it’s ‘a day off work, if you’re lucky’.

Getting sick is an inevitable part of life, but you won’t see any job adverts offering tea and sympathy if you’re ill. Believe it or not, your company isn’t even legally obliged to pay you if you can’t make it in to the office though most do for a certain period of time — it’s wise to check your contract.

Viruses, infections and accidents are selfish: they always strike without warning or due care and attention to your workload. Not only do you feel like Morrissey and look like you’ve been through ten rounds with Mike Tyson, you also have to deal with the knowledge that work is piling up on your desk — and that your boss thinks you’ve just got a hangover. Should you issue gas masks to your colleagues and drag yourself into work or should you concentrate on getting better in the relative comfort of your own home?

Angela Baron, adviser at the Institute of Personnel and Development, says no-one should be made to feel so indispensable that their office can’t function without them: «Your company should be prepared for the eventuality that people will get sick. You can’t plan being ill, but there are things you can do to make your life simpler for. It’s a good idea to phone in as early as possible, talk directly to your boss and say what you’d planned to do that day. Think about what can wait until you get back and what needs to be dealt with urgently.

If something has to be done straightaway, pass on the details. Ring in every day you’re off and, if practical, keep in touch by email. A few more tips to remember: try not to be ill on a Friday or Monday it looks suspicioussound as miserable as hell when you speak to your boss and always answer the phone if it rings being ‘out’ doesn’t look good.

If you are off for more than three days, visit your doctor. Every company has a different attitude to sickness: some will frown on a day in bed with bubonic plague, while others will send you home if you merely sneeze.

Statistically, the national average for days off sick is eight per year. This is a fact, not a figure to aim. Any more than this and your absence may raise eyebrows in the personnel department unless you’ve had a major accident, serious illness or operation. Any less and you can give yourself a pat on the back for being sickeningly healthy. Angela says if you’re ill, the length of time you stay away should be down to individual common sense: «Different illnesses affect different people in different ways,» she states.

Obviously avoid absences if you can — they are monitored — but if you are genuinely sick, you are genuinely sick. Diagnosed with glandular fever a couple of months into her first graduate job, she braved her symptoms and forced herself to go to work, despite advice from her doctor to stay in bed.

Fortunately, she didn’t do herself any long-term damage, but she believes she’d have recovered a lot quicker if she’d taken some sick leave. Now I’ve got my priorities right: I take sick leave if I’m ill and don’t worry about work until I’m well again and can do my job to the best of my abilities.

If you don’t remember anything else, remember this According to Angela Baron, «it’s never OK to take a ‘sickie'» for the saints among you, this means pretending you’re ill so you can have a day off. If your company finds out you could be sacked on the spot and you’ll always be thought of as dishonest.

And don’t return from ‘sick leave’ with a tan: saying you’ve got jaundice just won’t wash. Want to know more? Graduate careers. Reuse this content. Most popular.

Read on to find out. Working for yourself is a brilliant way to earn a crust. If your CV is light on work experience, the solutions, skills and business know-how you learn from self-employment all count. But what kind of start-up is right for you? If you bwd to enhance your CV, pick something that can plug into your career ambitions. You could tout social media or advertising packages to local businesses as this can give you valuable marketing and client experience.

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Check out:. The thing about clutter is that most folk just want to get rid of it quickly. Snap it up at the right price though, and you could turn a profit. Upcycling involves getting wonky, ugly or broken bits and bobs for free or next-to-nothing, then fixing or fancying them up and selling them for profit. It works especially well with furniture or rare items, but if you have the craft or creative skillsanything goes. With upselling, you would keep an eye out for cheap stock and look to sell it for more than you originally paid. Caareer second-hand books, clothes or charity shop finds — but it even works for limited-edition pound store and Primark items. For semi-skilled gigs in writing, designing or coding, try visiting the upwork website. Fancy mixing a start-up with short-order freelancing?
